These say I mites in righteous trinity dignity fight and peace :) 10

Me Pizzo

Me Pizzo
Me Thizzin her vibes love and eveverthin thizzin thing ;)

My Licka Cuz Its You

My Licka Cuz Its You
My Licka Cuz Its You

Timez of helping

Timez of helping

We Rocketh the Natural Way

We Rocketh the Natural Way
We Rocketh the Natural Way



Breakfast or Takings

Breakfast or Takings

Hey Now

Hey Now

The Ribbon

The Ribbon



Rastafari Coexist

Rastafari Coexist

Welcome New Followers

Welcome to the Philosopher's stone. My blog has been running for the last year and a half. I have been a practicing Rastaman since I began this write. I have a love for music, writing, culture and God. The truth to this blog is to find the power of the people. Power is found through unity and ideal. Ultimately a unified ideal can begin a unified identity. Rastafari is a lot more then believing in the herb. It is a faith and a way of living. I have dedicated a lot of this blog to poetry and music. Wisdom is my true passion because it is a field of study that is never ending. I have touched on subjects that matter on ancient hermetic Egyptian wisdom which is the foundation of all world faith and Religion. The truth is that we live in a day in age of what which will begin to be a spiritual awakening. That we are spiritual beings that live a spiritual life. The power of the spirit can power a mind to find what one is called to in life. Spirituality is the power of all humanity. Rastafari is the teaching of all acceptance. That is the belief of a Rastaman. I am in transition with this blog and well my passion is to teach one day. I have yet to bring news source to my blog but decided to start to bring 3rd party source on this site to help gather more culture that involves what a Rasta really stands for. We are the the way of root living and the faith that teaches the system is corrupt. Enjoy reading some material that involves Rasta worldwide. One Love.

Conquering Lion of Judah

Conquering Lion of Judah

A Gem found In Alcmey

A Gem found In Alcmey

To Study Onward

To Study Onward

The Foundation of a Rastafarian Ideal

The Foundation of a Rastafarian Ideal



It's Been Said Before

It's Been Said Before

About the Edit Unto Your's

As they say in the Big Easy hey y'all . Little did I know that local lingo for New Orleans would become my renewed faith in understanding a new way of life. Big Easy as a sort of a Hakuna Matata lighter sense and page. My names Ryan and people call me Moke for a nick. Heavy in my dance & river days I went by Movement. I like them all. Never needed a Mohawk to rectify my will. Well anyways I just moved back to sunny San Diego after spending the last close to 3 years in Louisiana. Born and raised in San Diego private school the whole 9 yards and a Kaeding of a miss to a field goal. Did some time up in Chico, CA. Fun times, but was still searching on what I wanted to do in life. Dipped down south to get Bourbon dirty while looking to find my calling.. Right? If your going to do it you might as well do it right. Met some fun people, made some memories and actually grew up. Left a lovely girl behind, but hopefully one day we'll be back in mind. Moral of the story I finally found out something I was looking for. What was really going on and is it really 2014 already? I picked up my love for writing and let my thoughts take the wheel. As I was riding upon my journal I knew my higher self was leading me somewhere. Go figure out the roots to my roots. I had a revelation that their was one genre of music I had ventured in but not far enough. Reggae was making its way back to me and I began to remember my love of its simplicity but profound truth. Sure enough my writing was taking me there as well. Tired of the battle amongst Christianity and other world religions I turned to studying nature. Began self teaching Astrotheology and other hermetic wisdom. Then it dawned on me there was a lost world doctrine and way of life that emphasized that nature is the way. Rastafarian. Remembering its misconception of a youth's rebellion I always knew it held more than truth, pure truth. So here I am still dipping my toes in understanding the Rastaman's way knowing my hometown is the place to start. Identity had been important for many but many like myself gave up on what was being taught. The purpose that is driven through my blog is to find a commune in my generation's ideology and bring people back together through the power of spirituality and love for acceptance for one another. A recognition of the empowering One Love. One thing our world has lost touch of is the rooted key of the Rastaman way. That is living life through suppression and instilling self discipline. Wasn't this the path that all eastern and western religions insinuated as being the tool for enlightenment? Yes, but it got misconstrued through its complexity. Heigh-ho back to the roots we should go. So I invite you to follow my blog to begin to learn a lost way of life or to invite you to teach me a thing or two. It is time our generation spoke together through the power of unified identity. Time for a real campaign of change from the people as it should be and come. Time our entire nation legalized the plant that symbolized freedom. Sending Rastaman vibrations outwards for a revival of a Kingdom. Please feel free to add me on facebook Ryan Moquin

~Peace, Love, Unity and Respect we already knew what was coming next~


Hey everybody. Sorry for lack of content the last past month I was actually locked up in jail. No need to worry I'm back here to stay and all is well. Anyways I had much time to write and foresee where I wanted to take this blog and in what direction. A lot of posts before were not thought out completely and expression of my emotion. So I took down some. But I have passed that haze and my writing will begin to show. I want this blog to be based on a 5 point structure.

1) To promote Rastafari Doctrine & Way of Life
2) To be a multimedia outlet for all arts combined
3) To promote discussion & eventually through forum
4) To bring together people spiritually
5) And most importantly promote world peace

Thank you for reading and hope you enjoy. In the near future I'm going to begin making videos so the poetry can be better understood. There is a lot of ancient philosophy and wisdom behind the influence of them.
Ok that is all for now. One Love.

Comments (8/30)

Welcome to leave comments on any post. I just changed the setting to where anyone can comment without having to use an account. Exercise your first amendment right and input your two cents. Comments can be posted anonymously. All I ask is for no trolls. Just positivity and livity.

Chant Down Babylon

Chant Down Babylon


Sunday, September 27, 2015

Babylon Radio Presents: The Men of Ages Who Deceived the World

Last evening 9/25/15 I discussed the men of ages that held their spirituality to the devil from the world. I discuss Darwin and his evolutional theory to be a spell of his imagination to implement the world over a brainwash of science. Enjoy learning a new way to look at science and to learn the truth behind stolen wisdom from a philosopher who lives during our time. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Enrollment Complete in Colorado Study of MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy for PTSD (Posted by MAPS)

Day by day, more doors are opening for research into the beneficial uses of psychedelics and marijuana. Excitement is growing as we approach the end of Phase 2 of our international MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) research program.

Psychedelics Promising for Anxiety, Depression, Addiction, and PTSD (Posted by MAPS)

Psychiatry Advisor highlights clinical research into benefits of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy to treat anxiety, depression, addiction, and PTSD.
Psychedelic drugs “have strong effects on conscious experience”

Mystic Chemist: The Life of Albert Hofmann and His Discovery of LSD (Posted by MAPS)

Mystic Chemist: The Life of Albert Hofmann and His Discovery of LSD

Mystic Chemist explores how the discovery of LSD had such a crucial and meaningful influence on science, society, and culture.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Watching the World Go By

Predicament, the assumption that may get the best of you. The coffee pot, the situation that may give way to such decisiveness. Reputation, your self conscious that could go away over something else. Your keys, a reminder that the world holds onto something else. There is an old AFI album I used to listen to called the "The Art of Drowning." The title itself speaks for itself. It illustrates the world in a darker metaphorical sense in a manner I interpret the world sometimes. There is a piece of the song that goes:

"What new friends will the day bring? One for one thousand acquainted
What new hope will the night bring?
When it all comes down you just throw the bones"

That part of the song always spoke to me. It hits emotion in a manner I feel like it is a cry out upon the day. Asking what people may come into my life the odds are extreme. Night always brought reflection and more yearning, but haste the day we often deem to throw much away. Don't we tend to drown ourselves in an over exhausting matter of whatever the fuck we may please sometimes? Anyways that would take an admittance to recognize the world isn't always on our side, but our decisions may get the best of us sometimes. Watching the world go by is something we do on a rare occasion. For the fellow businessman the world often stands and watches him go by. You see the matter is that the world we live in stands on one side, but on the other side that many may not realize the common homeless man would have a different story to tell. It has been a ride to find peace again. Buddhism is something I began to study when I was in jail a few months ago. The story of Buddha is found in the pathway and life of the man Siddhartha. Many don't know the story of Siddhartha, but he was a man that had to stand for his own spirituality. In the book I picked up in jail it was entitled, "Nobel Strategy." In all I pulled away with knowing that Buddhism is a way of thinking or more precise a way of concentration. It's a self discipline to put one self in a self reminder to look for things and ways to further yourself. Our society today really lacks that sort of self consciousness. Being caught up on our daily routines people often forget what is really important in life. The truth is that there is a moral that used to live upon Christianity that many don't practice today. It is called keeping the open door. It is the soul to Christianity and it has found my heart in life in both shoes if I were be able to say. Point being the carelessness of others attract more carelessness and as sacrifice was the essence to Jesus Christ what sacrifice has been put in your life to forward more what he exemplified. The truth is no one wants to be the man that has to ask for help. But the world is more wicked than the daily programming that is often taken for granite. As the world goes on, watching the world go by. Let another soul in and preach another day's sigh.   Then again the day preached our soul and what went on. You hail it with the Rock and you damn it once it's gone.

Using Psychedelics Shouldn't be a Crime (Posted by MAPS)

The Drug Policy Alliance explores how the prohibition of psychedelics is affecting science, medicine, politics, and society.

We can end the criminalization of people who use psychedelics – if we want to.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Terence Mckenna Discusses Marijuana (Full Length)

Terence Mckenna sits down and discusses the influence of marijuana in spirituality, medicine and social aspects...Terence Starts his discussion off by saying: "Well, our subject this afternoon is cannabis, a subject which is of interest to large numbers of people, though it is rarely discussed and in fact seems to have attained the status of somewhat of a taboo in polite society...My interest in it is intense and lifelong. I must say i remember when i first encountered it within a few minutes of my first exposure to it i realized that i was going to be able to self-medicate myself back to normalcy..."

Discovering Marijuana 3- The legal state of the plant in Amsterdam

Discussing Marijuana and the legal state of the plant and what it has been in considering Amsterdam since 1976. The plant has been illegal to grow in the Netherlands, but has been purposely ignored to allow for criminal organization to distribute the plant.

Friday, September 18, 2015

From Shock to Awe (Posted by MAPS)

From Shock to Awe, a feature-length documentary that will chronicle the journeys of military veterans as they seek relief from PTSD with the help of ayahuasca, MDMA, and cannabis, launched its Indiegogo campaign on September 14.
A documentary about veterans with PTSD and their healing journeys

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Discovering Marijuana II- Cure to addiction & Truth to law enforcement running legalization

Discussing the topic of marijuana being the answer to treat substance abuse and the truth to ex law enforcement agents running marijuana industry.

The Highly Trained Security Force Protecting Colorado's Weed Stash

With Denver's businesses welcoming a huge influx of tourists for 4/20, Inc. followed Blue Line Protection Group's efforts to get dispensaries the hundreds of pounds of...

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Discovering Marijuana- Marijuana as a Psychedelic

Legalized marijuana vs. medicinal marijuana what is the difference?

Holland's New Marijuana Laws Are Changing Old Amsterdam

Times are changing in the city many associate with drug tourism.

What's Legal Oregon

What's Legal Oregon - In Oregon, it's legal for adults 21 and older to possess and use...
In Oregon, it's legal for adults 21 and older to possess and use recreational marijuana… with limits.
In Oregon, it's legal for adults 21 and older to possess and use recreational marijuana… with limits.

Breaking: California Lawmakers Finally Tackle Medical Marijuana.

Breaking: California Lawmakers Finally Tackle Medical Marijuana.
By JUDY LIN and JULIET WILLIAMS Associated Press SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) -- California lawmakers counted far-reaching but less-ambitious climate change...

Why is Cannabis Not Already on the Shelves for Treating Arthritis?

Why is Cannabis Not Already on the Shelves for Treating Arthritis?
Few members of the medical community that have done their research will be able to deny pot’s ability to treat, and even prevent the progression of...

Saturday, September 12, 2015

The Road to Wisdom

"To fathom hell or soar angelic, just take a pinch of psychedelic." This here was a quote renounced by the man Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. He was a late 18th century and early 19th century German poet who became a literary celebrity by the age of 25. Over the dawn of ages spirituality has been construed to find a perspective that psychedelic consumption can offer spiritual enlightenment. Men of this day and age like the names of Timothy Leary and Terrance Mckenna are renowned for their work for emphasizing that spirituality had direct connection to drug use. You see their has been discretion in the past that drug use has offered spiritual enlightenment, but what has been at the discretion of spiritual drug use has never been discussed or better yet explained. You see the consumption of drugs can offer for experience. An experience that may offer for a spiritual encounter of a reality someone has never attained. The three major drugs that have been explored to acquire a reputation for spiritual experience are psyclobin mushrooms, LSD and DMT. To take the history of psychedelic use in a perspective as we now live in the 21st century we now have an arrival of a natural plant grown from earth many know as marijuana. The interesting point many, even those who engage themselves in the smoking of the plant, is that marijuana is considerably and classified as a psychedelic plant and drug. A psychedelic drug is a drug that is mind manifesting. Meaning that the drug explores the mind. Truth behold that there is one last drug of interest that will carry forward in my work and research. That is ecstasy or MDMA. Ecstasy gained its popularity in the 80's and acquired its resurgence in popularity in the mid 90's. It is also classified as a psychoactive chemical that reproduces the feel good chemical of the brain called serotonin. As this blog is beginning to find a new path the area of topic and discussion will begin to formulate one of two areas of research. It is my plan to work alongside and study with the organization that has been recently founded in San Francisco called MAPS who focuses their clinical study in psychedelic therapy and treatment. As I begin to share personal experience and personal research this blog also entails a more pivotal aspect of study called ancient wisdom. The beginning of my work is to unfold the mysterious path and history of world wisdom and how spirituality has evolved and grown over time. Many may have discovered the recent posts of marijuana I have shared to be a reoccurring and yet familiar redundancy in news platform and media. Legalization of marijuana is something I solely admit to supporting from the initial stance on any further research I begin to endeavor myself into. As drug research is ever growing and often displayed online these 5 substances are substances I will begin to research and prove that they offer for spiritual enlightenment and carry therapeutical aspects. As drug research will be apart of this blog my focus is on wisdom. I have a love for wisdom and lost stories that have been told over time.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

The Devil's World

The world we live in is told upon a story of evolutional history. From theories of dinosaur existence to Darwin's theory that man evolved from ape. The world has evolved in a metal militia fashion of creating technology that blows our minds to this today. Have you ever pondered the thinking of looking back into history and recollecting the way of life of a century ago? Take for the early 20th century better yet the late 19th century and how life was lived. It wasn't until 1885 Benz invented the first automated engine motorized carriage. This was where technology became something that caught the eye of the will of the people. Over a century later we have smart phones, computers and cars that surpass the ordinary individual's mind to be able to comprehend it fully. We all have our area of expertise, but isn't it fascinating that our world is a matter of never ending technology. The point of this blog is to bring a perspective back to the people to pertain a mind that understands the world in a way that the world works in something that has been hid over time. History has been told and history has been explained, but has history ever been truly proven. Well what part of history has to prove itself? Well in this write I plan to discover the ancient discoveries back to where the power of the mind took over society. You see the mind was the ancient power to conquer society and the mind power of society was what drove the people to slave. The people who saw this power knew it was something that be bound to evolve. From ancient Egyptian history and ancient hermetic wisdom the story of the dawn of societal times begun the work of occult and mysticism. Many minds today would have been taught a history of western civilization in high school. But our high school text books don't gather the ancient belief systems that dawned their own existence before religion found its birth. Please take the time to gather your spirituality and take the trip through history to discover what the Illuminati and other secret societies build their wisdom around. I will begin to build outline of this wisdom which will later become lecture. This blog is being built to gather the wisdom to provide for lecture in the future. I hope those who have found this blog begin to gather the grasp where this teaching of wisdom will lead itself in the future. This is not a religion to be built. It is the power of the mind back unto the people. Enjoy learning alongside me and we will create an ideal together to build spirituality for the people once again. One love. Rastafari will live on.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

10 Illnesses Helped by Pot- High Times

The pharmaceutical industry would like everyone to believe that the key to health can be found in a pill. The only problem is the resulting side effects – which result in the opposite of good health. But there is an alternative. Cannabis! Let’s check out how...

Medical Marijuana- Letter of Theory to Cure Mental Illness and Addiction

To various news source,

I am writing to begin to document to furthermore study on the beneficial affects and productivity of medicinal marijuana. My following research will accumulate in discussing that marijuana is the cure to various mental illnesses and the cure to addiction, the disease of the mind. To propose first handedly I am leaking a letter to 3 different news source so documentation and further study can be attained. Drug research is prominent in the 21st century, but psychedelic studies have taken much tangent and has veered astray from reporting efficient evidence on the topic of marijuana being a sacred medicine. The following research that marijuana has proven to bring to the forefront that the second reoccurring chemical in the plant CBD the cannabinoids of the plant are the source of efficient treatment to individuals who suffer from Epilepsy. This is currently the main study of the plant. To furthermore research on marijuana I am beginning my self proposal to carry forward the research of marijuana being the subject to treat mental illness and addiction. In the utmost sense I am beginning to write theory that marijuana belongs in psychiatric treatment. To begin my studies I am proposing two fields to focus on first. The treatment to Schizophrenia and the treatment to addiction. The theory I am subjecting myself to is that through the consumption of marijuana Schizophrenia can be cured as well as an addict's mind. Many do not understand, but it will be my area of study as well to prove that Schizophrenia is a mental disease that is directly connected to substance abuse. To begin my study the area of topic will discuss how modern psychology and psychiatry is completely flawed in the sense of prescribing harmful pharmaceutical drugs. Marijuana should be the answer for many and through proven study and trial and error this herb will one day prevail over all modern psychiatric medication. So please take the time to follow my blog and to take the adventure of learning modern medicine in the true eyes of what it really amounts to. To begin first I am going to cover Schizophrenia and what modern psychology diagnosis to as the following. Please feel free to email any questions or comments that are of any related concern or interest. May this drug research begin the awakening of a true homeopathic medication.

Best Regards,


Thursday, September 3, 2015

Santos Bonacci and Macca arrested in dawn raid.

By friend Ancient Wisdom
Details about Santos Bonacci's and Macca's arrest!
Eilish De Avalon interviews Judgie Consciousness about the arrest of her husband Macca and Santos Bonacci who was staying on her property in Maleny...

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Ending Job Discrimination Against ‪#‎Pot‬ Smokers

Ending Job Discrimination Against ‪#‎Pot‬ Smokers
One of the major concerns in current marijuana policy is job discrimination faced by those who smoke pot, while off the job and do not come to work in an impaired state. In 49 states, Arizona being the only exception, private employers are...

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Baddest Man Alive

Take a second to fathom the day. Can you begin to figure what one may wonder on how life really works? We live in society. We slave to the man. And we love to those who we choose. The time and day of the 21st century is a true rat race. Man and woman who like to take and man and woman who like to judge. It's a common reoccurring message. But has one ever thought to take the time out of the day to ponder the world's mysteries in the sense is the world really just full of everything? Is it what I see on tv? Or is it something of the sort of Hollywood cinema? Well if you were a politician a man or woman who deems power on society the mystery yearns to fill the skies. The truth is the world is full of dirt and well it's a punful metaphor to begin to allow a day in age where the flag of justice must reign in the people's eyes. Have you ever been a person to take to a bar and try and make conversation to a fellow drinker and make up a story to talk up yourself. Well now you may have something called a half truth something that you may have exaggerated on. You see the white lie is simple sin, but the white lie wisdom is that yee likes to grow. You see now your sitting enjoying your chardonnay or cranberry vodka and well now were deeming to conversate on topics of who the hell knows to be true. The illustration to be made is that you could turn on your tv and watch your favorite dating show and well the converstion would hold half truth. The same illustration is to take back into real life and real converstion you have individuals lying and boasting conversation that you take for granite. This is called gullibility. Well now you have taken your judgement and well day based on words that could have been made up. Have you ever wondered how many people you know tend to lie or stretch the truth? Well the wiseman could look upon a crowd and would say only the fool would believe what anyone might share. If you live in a world that deems lying your now creating and spelling minds to a false reality. Hmm how much have I gone through and taken for granite? Personal relationships, politics, family and well yourself. How much of you are truth to yourself. The occult has been written for ages to come and find well a sort of perspective for people to follow a mind that leads a new way of thinking. It's called thinking for yourself. How dandy can that be? Think for yourself and well what they didn't know the wiseman only knows the laugh. Then again well we were just, well I'd have to save it for the laugh.