These say I mites in righteous trinity dignity fight and peace :) 10

Me Pizzo

Me Pizzo
Me Thizzin her vibes love and eveverthin thizzin thing ;)

My Licka Cuz Its You

My Licka Cuz Its You
My Licka Cuz Its You

Timez of helping

Timez of helping

We Rocketh the Natural Way

We Rocketh the Natural Way
We Rocketh the Natural Way



Breakfast or Takings

Breakfast or Takings

Hey Now

Hey Now

The Ribbon

The Ribbon



Rastafari Coexist

Rastafari Coexist

Welcome New Followers

Welcome to the Philosopher's stone. My blog has been running for the last year and a half. I have been a practicing Rastaman since I began this write. I have a love for music, writing, culture and God. The truth to this blog is to find the power of the people. Power is found through unity and ideal. Ultimately a unified ideal can begin a unified identity. Rastafari is a lot more then believing in the herb. It is a faith and a way of living. I have dedicated a lot of this blog to poetry and music. Wisdom is my true passion because it is a field of study that is never ending. I have touched on subjects that matter on ancient hermetic Egyptian wisdom which is the foundation of all world faith and Religion. The truth is that we live in a day in age of what which will begin to be a spiritual awakening. That we are spiritual beings that live a spiritual life. The power of the spirit can power a mind to find what one is called to in life. Spirituality is the power of all humanity. Rastafari is the teaching of all acceptance. That is the belief of a Rastaman. I am in transition with this blog and well my passion is to teach one day. I have yet to bring news source to my blog but decided to start to bring 3rd party source on this site to help gather more culture that involves what a Rasta really stands for. We are the the way of root living and the faith that teaches the system is corrupt. Enjoy reading some material that involves Rasta worldwide. One Love.

Conquering Lion of Judah

Conquering Lion of Judah

A Gem found In Alcmey

A Gem found In Alcmey

To Study Onward

To Study Onward

The Foundation of a Rastafarian Ideal

The Foundation of a Rastafarian Ideal



It's Been Said Before

It's Been Said Before

About the Edit Unto Your's

As they say in the Big Easy hey y'all . Little did I know that local lingo for New Orleans would become my renewed faith in understanding a new way of life. Big Easy as a sort of a Hakuna Matata lighter sense and page. My names Ryan and people call me Moke for a nick. Heavy in my dance & river days I went by Movement. I like them all. Never needed a Mohawk to rectify my will. Well anyways I just moved back to sunny San Diego after spending the last close to 3 years in Louisiana. Born and raised in San Diego private school the whole 9 yards and a Kaeding of a miss to a field goal. Did some time up in Chico, CA. Fun times, but was still searching on what I wanted to do in life. Dipped down south to get Bourbon dirty while looking to find my calling.. Right? If your going to do it you might as well do it right. Met some fun people, made some memories and actually grew up. Left a lovely girl behind, but hopefully one day we'll be back in mind. Moral of the story I finally found out something I was looking for. What was really going on and is it really 2014 already? I picked up my love for writing and let my thoughts take the wheel. As I was riding upon my journal I knew my higher self was leading me somewhere. Go figure out the roots to my roots. I had a revelation that their was one genre of music I had ventured in but not far enough. Reggae was making its way back to me and I began to remember my love of its simplicity but profound truth. Sure enough my writing was taking me there as well. Tired of the battle amongst Christianity and other world religions I turned to studying nature. Began self teaching Astrotheology and other hermetic wisdom. Then it dawned on me there was a lost world doctrine and way of life that emphasized that nature is the way. Rastafarian. Remembering its misconception of a youth's rebellion I always knew it held more than truth, pure truth. So here I am still dipping my toes in understanding the Rastaman's way knowing my hometown is the place to start. Identity had been important for many but many like myself gave up on what was being taught. The purpose that is driven through my blog is to find a commune in my generation's ideology and bring people back together through the power of spirituality and love for acceptance for one another. A recognition of the empowering One Love. One thing our world has lost touch of is the rooted key of the Rastaman way. That is living life through suppression and instilling self discipline. Wasn't this the path that all eastern and western religions insinuated as being the tool for enlightenment? Yes, but it got misconstrued through its complexity. Heigh-ho back to the roots we should go. So I invite you to follow my blog to begin to learn a lost way of life or to invite you to teach me a thing or two. It is time our generation spoke together through the power of unified identity. Time for a real campaign of change from the people as it should be and come. Time our entire nation legalized the plant that symbolized freedom. Sending Rastaman vibrations outwards for a revival of a Kingdom. Please feel free to add me on facebook Ryan Moquin

~Peace, Love, Unity and Respect we already knew what was coming next~


Hey everybody. Sorry for lack of content the last past month I was actually locked up in jail. No need to worry I'm back here to stay and all is well. Anyways I had much time to write and foresee where I wanted to take this blog and in what direction. A lot of posts before were not thought out completely and expression of my emotion. So I took down some. But I have passed that haze and my writing will begin to show. I want this blog to be based on a 5 point structure.

1) To promote Rastafari Doctrine & Way of Life
2) To be a multimedia outlet for all arts combined
3) To promote discussion & eventually through forum
4) To bring together people spiritually
5) And most importantly promote world peace

Thank you for reading and hope you enjoy. In the near future I'm going to begin making videos so the poetry can be better understood. There is a lot of ancient philosophy and wisdom behind the influence of them.
Ok that is all for now. One Love.

Comments (8/30)

Welcome to leave comments on any post. I just changed the setting to where anyone can comment without having to use an account. Exercise your first amendment right and input your two cents. Comments can be posted anonymously. All I ask is for no trolls. Just positivity and livity.

Chant Down Babylon

Chant Down Babylon


Friday, October 31, 2014

Stipulation, Just Gangsta Conversation

A rule of thumb. Something to play you dumb. A 'yeah' to blow you off just to let you know back it don't really matter. Aight cool, I'll just catch you on the latter? Yeah, but hold on for a minute. I didn't just buy that, right? Buy what? Your pitch. Oh yeah I'm really just on my hustle to try and see another day. Wait say what? Yeah you know what it do? Shit fa sho I hear yeah my dude. So what's the word with it? Well you want the truth? Of course or what's left of it. Well shits fucking rigged head to toe. Oh yeah? Yeah I'm talking Thriller be Bonds and the whole damn CIA be in on 'em. Like this ain't no fine bitch named Carrie sporting hotlines on Showtime. Yaddadamean. I'm talking young cats on the corner trying to throw some shit over their shoulder. I'm sayin lets kurk to the spot and roll hot. Like name, age and what it do? A little early poll to help write a law or 2. I'm talking the tea party be the green party and the green party be the tea party so I guess it just fits them accordingly when they ritualistically drink green tea every morning. So activists are legislative law writers but here is the dirty tie. So I guess I got stipulated suspicion on the number one non-profit being advertised as 100% independent could very well be government funded. Wouldn't that be some shit? I mean shit those were like the last doors I walked through when I thought to myself I must have figured it all out. Suppress to mindless labor their bound to offer you a nice pitch at the end of your route. Hit the streets to lay down some activists means. But I caught under covers and familiar faces set up. More shit was going on then I was being formally aware of. Nonetheless I kicked cold and threw a peace and said I'm out. I'm not duckin to stand for peace and steppin on people toes. This is the law people. You can't stop people when there walking into the store because it is considered harassment. (There about their business) But on the way out of a store you can stop people. (Because there running into your business I presume) Nonetheless what I was getting paid to do was harassment. Fishy business over fishy business? Yes. Do I have the will to fact check this organization and throw it on headlines. Pay me, I'm done doing the dirty work for free. Otherwise I'm moving on from them and you have your inside opinion relayed to you for free. The sad truth is that most people would just say we shoulda knew. But I always protested with a better late then never. I guess its just the little bit of activism I got left in me.

Friday, October 24, 2014

No Longer Associated with Greenpeace

No longer associated with Greenpeace. Reputation means more to me. Keep your money in your pockets and mouths shut and their reputation of being no good. Leave this status alone, please & thank you. Cause I'm talking Babylon going to fall with their own style. Undercover work, it was always worth the while. Rasta shall conquer all with a smile.

I'm out of the inner circle so if your interested in true non-profit work to create something better, you can contact me at

I need faces they won't remember or recognize. One time interaction to pass on information to create a better nation. That's all the help I need. Sales over donations was a good formula to mix up a nation.

I never saluted to a fascist reformation. Only to a higher mind trinity that guided a world wide nation under JAH.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Confidence is Ambition

Confidence is key. It actually is the key. It unlocks all possibility. But like with any key it can be tricky to getting it unlocked. Some people are prone to it easier than others. But the real truth of confidence is not just knowing how to keep it, but more importantly and more appropriately knowing how to use it. The thin line was always drawn between cockiness and leadership. It probably took conquering one to achieve the other. Roots kept the motto of the way true to its word. Positivity was always key. It was the way to express confidence humbly. I had my first few days at Greenpeace and all I could share was positive vibes, truth and worthwhile. A little wake on ambition was being driven. I had all the reason to be. It was surly time. After all Rasta carried the confidence of the Lion of Judah. The true conqueror.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Finding Strength

A fresh hip-hop jam always set forth the right vibe to any struggle.


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Great Truth of Philosophy

The great truth of philosophy is that at the end of the day destiny does exist. It is an argument that can not be reversed if you really think about it. We are all bound to what we are all bound to. Life is a ride we must ride and endure and gather strength from. The finger should never be pointed for it is a learning experience for all. Sometimes in life it is best to just let be and simply pray. Sometimes it is all we can do. For prayer is the best action one can make. It is an action that asks for more to take place. But I had come about with a lot of wonder and it was time to leave another one. A lot still didn't make sense, but I knew I needed to carry on. We all had the power to dream and make it possible. A destiny just brought it all together. If you dream and believe you shall surly succeed.
Take a pink sunset for example and wonder on its beauty.
How can a life like this begin to run simply through me?
A lot can make a person begin to question God.
But certain times in life he can prove to you there far from odd. 
Head up, chin up he's a little bit of a militant man.
But he always shows you love over some humorous that will only help you can.
What to think, what to do? Sometimes only 2 hands and a bow is the best thing you can do.
Faith is the key to overcome any doubt inside of you.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Karma or Divine Prospect

The conceptual understanding of karma is rooted in eastern thought that of Buddhism and Hinduism. It can be defined as the action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation. Karma is a perspective portrayal of how nature's influence can serve back self will's intent or action. As maturity and better understanding of the world and how it works one grows within self to find that such an influence does exist. It is the same understanding of the golden commandment of treat your neighbor as you would like to be treated. It is without doubt that the more good one puts into the world the more good one shall feel. It is a hand by hand gathering of comprehension that you have the power to make the most of any situation. But giving this idea a title that doesn't allow for greater thought is shallow thinking. When thinking of karma one should understand the perspective breakdown of eastern thought and how this idea really evolves from itself. It exemplifies itself from the spiritual attainment of achieving Brahman. Brahman is the unchanging reality amidst and beyond the world, which cannot be exactly defined. It is the illustration of the balanced equilibrium of the reality we live in. It is the yin and the yang. 69 is the force that keeps nature at even level. So one can make the connotation that karma can really be accepted as a divine implement on anything or anyone. For after all we live in a reality of divinity. That is the state of things that come from a supernatural power or deity, such as a god, or spirit beings, and are therefore regarded as sacred and holy. We are spiritual beings living as deities that come together to make a whole. So I wanted to come up with a title for karma that gave it better recognition and that was divine prospect. The definition of prospect is the possibility of something happening soon: a chance or the likelihood that something will happen in the near future, especially something desirable. It is the same idea of what one might refer as karma shall be served. So in accumulation I believe that karma is really divine prospect. It is the power of the almighty and how JAH influences the world. If there wasn't such a higher influence that played it's role in our world, I'd say our chances of survival would be near to none. So I come to the recognition with self that imperfection is what makes us human. And as it may be a blessing in disguise, JAH serves out karma or divine prospect to only teach and guide.  

Friday, October 10, 2014

Catching a Pattern

When formulating a plot to accomplish a goal it takes a certain set of procedures to accomplish the task at hand. Kind of the whole process they taught you with the whole science fair ordeal. I began to establish my procedure list just through writing my thoughts down and it came back to me as a recognizable pattern. During my studies when I endeavored the concept behind numerology it came to me as a surprise on how much power and meaning a number can hold onto. It is seamlessly endless. However, I caught onto the prospect that on my blog I was utilizing the number 3. I had 3 columns telling 3 different stories and when I would write a blog post I would use a description, picture and song. Also utilizing the number 3. 3 is a very powerful number and is essence in its numerical descriptive comprehension. It is the power of the trinity. It is the outlining for perspective thought. I had not initially intended for my blog to be built on 3, but it accumulated itself in doing so. A pattern enabled one to recognize what was before them. I wanted to keep building a captivating audience by following pattern and what it led to. It was also a way to hence recognition. And a way to hence recognition back. I was finally looking forward in starting fulltime work next week. I had been out of work for months. New season, new me and new ideas. So I thought I'd let 3 be the next lead unto more irony.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Jack White Saved Rock N' Roll

Every true rocker started along the lines of jack shit.
A way to the top devil's child and electric strings started jah mosh pit.
A Zeppelin flight paved the Gibson era.
Devil horns gave recognition to its rooted mean of what's fair to yah?
But Rock N' Roll prevailed to intricate love.
The disco era put a little funk back into a revolted jam that pressed what's above.

But the rebel punk crew put the passion back in the hair and shoes.

Anarchy, the quick fight back unto all the unpaid dues.
It's sound got lost upon a grunge reputation.
But a little Nirvana always held up the essence of any good ol' creation.
But the radio always killed the innovation of a new delight.
Rock was just for radio heads, high and dry it's existence deemed a fright.
I was an Audioslave and saw how Cornell held up the stone.
That Rock N' Roll was still worth cruising to and that melody rocked any bone.
Independence found its way to the art and the scene that brought on hipster.
I guess with a little Modest Mouse alongside true Ferdinand can get you to want to ditch her.
Rock was destined for a more of smoothe Santanna like Jane's Addiction.

Rock always rode the high road it got given up to the right friction.

Metal heads pressed it's Kiss like nature.

But pop idols gave it back to the beatle for a better picture.

Alternative sang soul, but always washed the sound into a dull mix.

But a seven nation army rocking whites stripes came back with a righteous fix.

I guess a new-age duo was all that was necessary to bring forth the right gifts.

Some Black Keys and Arctic Monkeys held onto the right riffs.

But when Jack White went solo a little pun played back his name.

You'll be asking for all the Jack White when my sounds bump up your game.

A friend could have called this before me, I just concur.
A jam with no lyricism that truly feels it all. Is truly a jam worth jamming to.

Robert Plant Influence Most Definitely
Gothic style, a soulful denial


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Passion is the Vibe

Peace starts with the self..

Got Hired with Greenpeace!

So I finally had a break today and got hired on the spot to work for the non-profit organization Greenpeace. This is their message on their website.

We defend the natural world and promote peace by investigating, exposing, and confronting environmental abuse, championing environmentally responsible solutions, and advocating for the rights and well-being of all people.

We take action only where we and our supporters have the most capacity to make an impact, where people’s lives are most heavily affected, and where environmental risks are most dire.

The problems we are trying to tackle are so big, that it takes a huge effort, comprised of people all over the world. That is where our supporters come in. Greenpeace is an inclusive, people-powered, collective movement. Our focus is on big political and corporate changes, just as much as it is on empowering people in our network to act in their homes and communities.

Empowerment goes both ways. The weight and resources that Greenpeace is able to devote to pushing for a greener and more peaceful world is only made possible because of the courage, heart, and collective power of our supporters.

Their message deems to stand for environment friendly innovation. It seems like a good open door into grasping an understanding how a non-profit is ran and organized. The cool thing about Greenpeace is that they are completely 100% independent and funded through the people. No government tie to any of their funding. It will be mostly street team work on fundraising donations so it will be a little toss back to selling cable for me, but for a better purpose and cause. We will see if this proves to be something worthwhile. I hope so!

This is a link to their website:

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Perfection is the condition, state, or quality of being free or as free as possible from all flaws or defects. It is what we all strive for in the end. But it is what kind of perfection you are looking for that really matters. Perfection on the outside or the inside? Wasn't the perfect barrel in a wave found on the inside? Thriving for perfection inside yourself is key to pursuing your goals in life. I have been working on it my entire life. But I guess at the end of the day I can say I never held hate for anyone and I'm happy that is the truth. Hate is such a powerful and hurtful word I don't deem it necessary in my vocabulary. I wanted to be free from all of it and live life out with purposeful recognition. I wasn't stuck on life being a competition to others or throwing anything in anybody's face. That is why I took to blogging. I felt like if people want to hear what I have to say why bother blowing up their news feed? I can write my blog and those who care to read as they please are more than welcome to. I was researching non- profits that were around and hoping some kind of door was about to open. I could only write so much before I stood there asking for help again. I was completely back at step one again with nothing to lose and finally I could say well I'm back with a purpose. Happiness was always being contempt. I was contempt on knowing my mind was going to take me far. But if I learned one thing so far the old hits were always the best.

Inspiring Action

Actions Speak Louder than Words

It's funny how you can go back and listen to an old album from what you were into as a kid and it can still apply to yourself somehow today. Its a virtue that speaks for itself, but coming to the realization that actions speak louder than words you really can appreciate its truth. It was something I was still learning to instill, but I was making my way to live it.  Words of wisdom deemed an act for me and hoped it brought more action out of me. I'm such a constant self fighter it is ridiculous. It is like I have a battle with myself everyday to prove myself who I really am. A self recognition test of some sort. After battling depression for years on end I had to learn a way to be happy with my self at the end of the day. I did that by trying to just find myself inside. And I came to be my own best friend. I knew I was different. I knew I held purpose. And I knew I was down to have a good time. It seemed like enough to live off of. But I was in search of a pathway to begin a different way of thinking. Nature held its dawning to an age of enlightenment. Action was destined to be taken from countless minds. But how was it all going to play out? It was time the war on terror ended and it seemed liked a Rastaman Revolution would be most suitable.

Monday, October 6, 2014

House Music Gave Way to Recognition

Man for the years I spent caught up in the EDM and rave scene I tried to stay as loyal as I could. I was no old school raver and I came in on it on the rebirth. But damn was it like a smack to the face of like where the hell have I been the whole time? This was my scene. This was what is was all about in the end. Let go of all rules and stereotypes and lets get high and dance to this. People were jumping on board left and right to it. I was turned onto electronic music through trance music. Trance was some of the origination and oldest type of electronic music out there. But it led me to house music and what dance music was really all about. House music was the funkiest most uplifting genre in the scene. It was dance music at its soul for any other genre could be mixed upon a house beat. House music is built upon that constant beat, that's its foundation. It raised out of Chicago's underground scene and spread to the entire world. And overtime it ventured its popularity back into the states. It gave me a spark of passion to see all types of people coming together to just dance and celebrate. So I made myself learn how to shuffle and feel the vibe that just looked fascinating. It was a movement from the people, the true renegades of funk era seemed to find a revive in spirit. But it was being enjoyed under all systematic regulation and the spirit of the people was always being confined. It seemed like a perfect environment to present societal proposal in change, but that never got ventured in for it was only being sold as an event for escape. But I saw a purpose in the hearts of a new generation. A purpose to create a nation that entailed more love and peace. The power of the people was all there, it just need some direction to go along with it. So house music would seem supportive in finding direction on the peace and love that had been instilled in me. I was taking a break from festivals and trying to bring my journey back into role. But I wanted it to be fun, purposeful, exciting, adventureful and a door to endless opportunity for whoever deemed it necessary. A sweet disposition that rendered itself upon recognition.

What Poetry Means to Me?

Poetry I think of it as a way to articulate emotion amongst words through cleverly pun and disciplined grammar. I saw a quote that read, "Poetry is being in love with language."  I didn't ever think of myself to be in love with language, but after pondering that quote for sometime I came to the acceptance with it. I did have a love for language after all it is what we had at hand to play with. It seemed as poetry gave some type of discipline in expressing my thought. We all had 2cents to share and I wanted mine to be interpreted as worthy. I had a share of passions and hobbies, but I wanted to dedicate my direction and focus on something deeper. I mean what is the greatest dream of all? Mine would be to create history. Start something new and to bring forward worthwhile innovation. But what does it take to do such a thing. Let's break down what I would have assumed to be Steve Job's projected business objective and goal. So let me play with my perspective thought in an Engineering sense of things. He held a vision. He held a dream. And he held a lot of knowledge on a field of study that thrived off innovation. My guess would've been his vision went something like this: To create a systematic function that processed itself at highest efficiency that executed programming with initial purpose. Is that not every Apple product you own in essence?  So what was the first technique Steve had to present to begin branding? Captivate an audience. He presented his vision and began to captivate. Well I thought that was the best way to begin any dream. Poetry was captivating it gave to perspective. But like any good poet knows your living isn't going to sustain itself just off your short thought out words. So I was instigating myself to begin to open a new door. There was a way to take care of a problem more efficiently? The system was broken and everybody knew it.  It could be utilized but direction was needed. But if poetry offered anything it brought direction back unto the table. Was it what I needed all this time?

Hitting the Right Pitch

Hitting the right pitch will really extend your vocal range and allow for notable recognition. I hadn't listened to much R&B for years, but once I heard The Weeknd a few years back I remembered how much soul is in this kind of music. I always felt like a rolling stone at heart. I mean shouldn't life be lived on the edge and go? I had so many dreams and aspirations dreamt up it seemed I spent most my time just trying to plot step one. I had wanted to be in the entertainment industry for awhile. I loved the nightlife and the culture it brought.  Music, film any art I wanted in on it. But I never found any opportunity after trying awhile to get in on the production scene in New Orleans. But I always knew how to write and I felt like it could take me somewhere. I wanted to do documentaries in the future and expose the evolution of culture kept activity of the 21st century. I had lived some of it. I had researched most of it. And I wanted to travel the rest of it. Well I realized writing it all out would be the best bet for me to accomplish what I always wanted to do. A little writing out of your own destiny I thought it as. I wanted to start a non-profit as a beginning door. I needed to start networking in an entrepreneur sense. I knew there had to be others that wanted to project the world in the view of a new generation. It was our time after all was it not?

Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Philosopher's Stone

See there is a legend told amongst the ages of alchemy.
That there comes a time where a substance arises exemplifying irony.
Something that could turn inexpensive metals into gold.
But maybe the legend was more metaphorical to its worth of hold.
I thought at hand that ecstasy was this certain stone that gave way to new perspective.
After all love was the magic that made simplicity the perfect elective.
But it led me to a real love that kind of put the whole thing to rest.
Maybe the philosopher's stone was love's actuality of a test?
See I kind of played the whole passing back the stone for a more delightful day.
A little game that can be played along and help pave the way.
How much do you love me? We all know that one.
This much or that much please can you tell me hun?
Past Mars or Jupiter you see how the planets can bring back perspective light.
But I always played past Pluto because I knew it held the most delight.
Wasn't that game Philosophy at is finest take?
How far can we take our love and prove our mind's away with no heartache.  
Well I guess it must just be the irony of the whole situation.
I must have thought passed our love into a whole new equation.
But that is ok because I know the route that has to be taken.
Truth on top of words allow for understanding there was no faking.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Who do Voodoo?

So I came across another concern on what music festivals were really trying to exemplify. For the time I lived in New Orleans I never went to Voodoo Fest. And I think their was a reason for that. I knew Voodoo was witchcraft and I always wondered why they were trying to sell it out. I wasn't much familiar with any black art other than I knew it entails ritual and incorporation of satanic worship. I've done brief research and study on Voodoo and I have gathered enough information that it is being prevalently misconceived for what it really is. First off they regard Voodoo as a Religion. Well it is more particularly a Black Religion. It is built off of Christianity as a branching of type of worship slaves engaged in during their time of enslavement and so forth. It was a rebellion against what white European folks were partaking amongst Church. Voodoo took the worship into nature and primitive sense of things. With tribal folklore and initiation processes Voodoo exemplified itself as a way to escape slavery. But here is what is most overlooked. The slaves that begun this doctrine and practice sealed its origin over a pact with the devil. This is where Voodoo gets its black power and vibe from. It was like a deal with the devil if you incorporate me in your worship I will help you find a way out of enslavement. Well if you were desperate and hated God for your situation more than likely you'd run to this entitlement. However, you must be aware that you should know that the devil is the master of deception. He run's this enslavement and people who practice this type of degrading art is brainwashed or a lost soul. JAH would never punish anyone based on color and nature will prove that to be victorious. Rastafari was the real promise out of enslavement to his people. See this is how any black magic works. It is putting the power of self will behind an action or ritual and implementing its meaning into nature and holding the faith that it will induce impact on a sense of things. It incorporates Lucifer and his power behind the Moon and Saturn. But you see white light magic works the same way and that is why Christ's message is finding its way back to its roots. For ritualistic prayer was magic at its finest. Watch this Godsmack video and see what this vibe is really about? Godsmack really? Its in their name.


Follow Your Train of Thought

Following your train of thought allows for connotative perspective. You are able to discover what your mind was enabling itself to piece together. I had come to a point in my writing when it was time to allow for some productivity to take place. I had a project in mind that I wanted to begin to present its idea. It entailed 2nd house living for people who are suffering from addiction. I wanted to create a program that utilized homeopathic remedies and other exercises that instilled self discipline opposed to contemporary medicine and pharmaceutical drugs. I had the knowledge to write such a program and I would begin to do so in the near future. So that was the work I wanted to get underway. I will post its introductionary outline soon.  I also came to the revelation that I had attained the perspective that could allow me to do something pretty creative. I came to the realization that I could write a new language. A language that could be built similar to Hebrew. Built upon 3 conceptual held meanings that allowed for greater translation. There was a formula that would have to be built and played around with but this was the conceptual idea. I would use the English alphabet and break down its grammar to its Phoenician pronunciation. So I would be building off rooted English. But I would use accents from all other world languages and would incorporate them back into English. Something of a universal recognized language. Something of this stature would take years to accomplish but it was something I felt confident I could do. A language built on accent and not annunciation. After all looking back at doing my research the whole time I was teaching myself how language was built. Go figure. Probably why I always avoided writing computer code. But if you want something really ironic. When I was getting into some of my deep research I was getting spammed left and right. Spammers were trying to get me to work for them. Sending me pop-ups for writing code and such. But I guess I could do away with them all and write a greater code. I mean adware and spyware people who do you think sends it? It is CIA and other world Intel coalition that are playing peeping tom on your computer.  Think about it. You are logged on surfing the internet then you begin to lag because of some spam. Well you are being hijacked and getting logged off while someone else jumps on your cpu and uses its programming. Another example. I was doing some research and yes I use Wikipedia because they fooled you on that one. But they played me their tricks back at the end. So I thought of looking up the ancestral line of King David and follow the hierarchy and see if I ran into Jesus. Well while I was writing the Kings down in order who ever was guarding the server began to change the names out of order of date they reigned. So yes the internet has been red flagged since day one. Point being writing and journaling can really help make sense of things at the end. I was beginning to dig into some evil aspects of what I had researched and I was reluctant in doing so, but I knew it was necessary. Black magic was far more prevalent and greater than I could ever expect but it was necessary to exploit its existence. So there was work to be done and truth to be held.

"Home is wherever we are if there's love there too"

Thursday, October 2, 2014

To Put in Perspective

Hey Everyone. So let me take a few lines to allow for better understanding of what goal driven purpose of this blog was to begin with. I started this blog after I returned to San Diego from living in New Orleans the previous 2 and half years. I had started my passion of writing in journaling while I was in New Orleans and when I made the move I decided I wanted to put it online. I had been independently studying world philosophies, religions and doctrines just out of interest. I began to write short essay on my connotations that I made with them which led me to writing poetry. Ironically during this time I was going through a breakup and I immediately turned to my spirituality to heal. Well I came home and the soul searching was at its best. But surly enough I ran back into Rastafari and the Rasta lifestyle San Diego held onto. As I dug into Rastafari I realized that this was the way I was looking for. It brought all truths to all of spirituality and allowed for truth to be shared and known. A lot of this soul searching got mixed over a lot love poetry and hurt. But I knew my writing was taking me on a journey and I wanted to share it and do something different for once.  I completely isolated myself on purpose because I felt spiritual influence to tell me to do so. I learned meditation and began turning to nature for insight. I had some instances where I was experiencing something spiritual and got mistaken for a delusion for say. Its been a journey to find call to say the least. But I want to clarify something so it can be relieved. I consider myself an independent researcher who takes his studies to poetic art, God and love. That is simply what I live by. I have not claimed myself a messiah for it wouldn't be worthy anyways. Divinity does not need to be claimed. We are all divine and Christ lives within us all. With that said to clarify any presumptions that have been made that I may have a mental illness your assumption is ludicrous. Honestly I've come quite accustomed to my mental state of mind and quite frankly insanity doesn't do it justice. Yaddadamean. One doesn't just walk outside and say I'm going to speak about God. It is a call, journey and relationship that has to be stored. I'm not writing any Hollywood play screens. Please give me a break. I'm a Rastaman:) It comes from the heart, mind and soul. Something you can't deny. With sacrifice came blessing so I was singing sweet Mary its time. I grew up as a Priest's Kid going to my Dad's church 3 times a week plus Roman Catholic education for 12 years. My dose of Church and spirituality was instilled on me and I was destined for its nature of call. But I got two live both worlds. I went and lived the party life in 2 of the biggest party towns in the U.S. Chico, California and New Orleans, Louisiana. I got to have fun and keep soul searching and look to find what God meant to people. Once I realized Rastafari put everything in perspective I knew that was the way I would want to live by. But I had a girl in mind who I really wanted to love again for good reason to prove that I was misunderstood for reason. Only her heart could decide if it could finally see me eye to eye. But it was like I was given a chance to write some explanation so I hoped she was at least reading. I needed to let up on the emotion towards her but I really had all the bad luck a guy could get. Couldn't find work in and out of jail for stupid reasons and I was just torn, but I kept writing. It was all for reason to instill lesson and wisdom. And I'm still working on getting back on my feet.  For all I knew that damn souvenir voodoo doll I bought at the zoo probably got cursed. I hadn't believed in black magic before but I had come aware of its power. But It was no test to the power of JAH and what Rastafari was going to allow. So please excuse the emotion and I only share it with love and search for understanding that I was left with. But I'd rather write the way I usually do for it is more fun. Poetry unto God is called psalm. Anyone can write it. It just entails God's picture in your words. So take my insight as you please and I hope I can offer some insight. One Love.

~ I guess 3 just kept people captivating~

Just Believe

Just breathe and find that sure breath was a definite sign of belief.
Windy roads were always taken by the joker and thief.  
I was always more the joker anyway it came as a confession in an old letter.
But honesty in the end it always made a heart's burden begin to feel better.
I mean it was what did me in the end but it was the only thing I held close.
Probably why we got the short end of the stick if that was what it was at most.
A little hint of irony was my new found trick but maybe it got served back.
Did you really burden yourself with all those stunts to put forth what seemed to lack?
I mean who else in their right mind would write emotion just to see it through.
I was left just believing what else was I supposed to do?
So trick or treat irony can be hinted over something sweet.
Then again Halloween looks a little early oh my the fakeness screams neat!
Yeah a little back to my own sarcastic self hun.
But I just shake my head knowing I allowed for that one.
Jumpin' the gun are we a little rush to prove your point.
Maybe it was just a slide to allow all this to joint.
So hey I'll do it all a favor let the God talk rest and do it for a beginner.
Throwing lust up like that isn't gonna leave you a winner.
It all just seems a little contrary to me if I must say.
I'm waiting for somebody else to give me reason to spend a better day.
Just know that anyone who puts this much heart into being understood.
Is more worthy with time then someone else who is afraid to put forth a should.
Well too bad I recognized the name.
That one hints with a little hypocritical shame.
But since I was the joker in the end I gotta give you another one.

All out of love and good intended fun.
What happens when a sad little cupcake is not enjoyed?
It gets served back to you and is left being annoyed ;)


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Route Around

Poetry is an echo asking a shadow to dance.
We can try to find a route around and make the past a worthy chance.
Sleepless nights were the only beginning of being the king of wishful thinking.
Yeah remember that New Found Glory cover of that track that was worth drinking.
But all I need is food, water, air and love.
Wouldn't that be the essence for a trinity found amongst a white dove?
Funny I found his influence drive me at the Dove library.
But putting all this in a sold book would only leave my heart feeling contrary.
I had the experience to write a few noteworthy lines to instill a missing message in me.
But I found wisdom could be found everyday just on the simplicity. 
So I took to holding nature like I held onto some older rebelution.
I was a completely different man I was running just based on the notion.
All I really want is to be free, free from all labeling.
Only a recognition mother nature could allow for and relieve its cableing.

A man can lose himself inside his mind if he so wishes so.

But it comes down to recognizing direction and merely possibly having to let go.

A route around that had to be but I still felt the comfort of what I had lived.

These lines were pure wishes of what I wanted to finally seemed gived.

You live and you learn is what they say to keep the head up.

Oh did I but I just wanted to use it for a fixing on a dreamt up pup.

I was just getting played as a crazy mental patient in a mess.

I guess practicing Zen in the open will instill its patience on a mental craziness.

I guess I played that one backwards on a little garden prayer time.

The coppers did pick me up but they didn't realize the stations I walked out before their own crime.

Yeah I gave recognition to the passion in reverence amongst nature.

I only did so because I felt called to relive a lost story of a greater picture.

Christ lives within us all it is something that should be held to JAH glory.

I'm just writing lines that the actions awaken the self upon your own story.

Conquering Lion of Judah if people even knew what it stood for.

Asland was his nature and how he held the jungle of before.

Entitlement to it all a respective light that gave truth to its root.

This 21st century of daft punking is really losing the worth of its own loot.

I figured if Gods influence brought direction the devil's must be deception.

I guess holding the keys to pursuit of happiness can help you decipher that conception.

I guess it was my will to bring the magic back to an original art.

Like Ol' Gandalf reminiscing with a pipe over the past was the key to understanding your part.

New adventures was what life was all about in the end.

But I always got misunderstood so It was like I was bound to put peace on the past that always rend.

So let it be like an old Beatle once said.

For crying out loud go look up what the beetle from Egypt symbolized and you will know what got to

my head.

Funny now that I think about it I remembering hearing them down in the marina.

I never bullshitted I just followed nature and saw what I could believe in ya.


Cigarette Daydream

Back to escaping emotion found some time over more lyrical meditation.
Music knows I suppose it will do well with a new creation.
Feet thrown up out the window never did I need thought provoking sunglasses.
I just wanted to write some good love down to share it with the real masses.
I wasn't what I was made out to be I'd just have to take them all on an adventure.
Don't worry be happy it will all soon begin to align with venture.
Cigarette daydream it surly began like something like that.
But I wasn't being played a fool this time its something I kept with a sweet hat.

A work in progress I was but facing trouble It was time to help myself.
Looking for inspiration I decided to create it on a blog like it was a warming shelf.
Blues rocked my trial, hip hop my smile and reggae my soul.
Music made me into something I was keeping it alongside my goal.
Took a step off vanity's little book with only a good heart in mind.
Was shoving supposed love back in a person's face the best thing you can find?
I guess I did the same thing in a way so am I the hypocrite.
Possibly the reason behind gave way to seeing through it.
I was taking it slow I knew I had perspective to allow new things to glow.
Maybe I needed that tattoo to rectify what I really had to show.
So I threw my white flag as a surrendering but yet clear sign.
You're just walking down an old road that's not going to allow what you want to align.
Trip down memory lane the old tape deck was enough to sing along.
But real sweet radio talk to me always seemed like enough to fix the wrong.

A skinny love he could only save himself from the pain.

Was the pain served to be a burden to allow for a certain new kind of bang?

Pussy, money and weed wasn't that the motto that Wayne gave way to Drake?

Young money records I had better rhymes up against more at stake.

Chics and their charm yeah the herb causes me no alarm.

Teaching Kendrick real poetic justice aint no fake farm.

Really miss misery is only the result of lack of communication.

Probably why so many hearts are broken over fornication.

But wasn't that track always sung about the west coast.

Push, push and coast this ones bound to end in a toast.

That's right when surf was blown I took to that GFH board.

Holding onto my mind I asked the wind what could be scored?

A heart that could understand what was carried all along.

Memories like that I know missing Rasta is where I went wrong.

But with a lil cypress it was like back to hits to the bong.

Cause waking up to some Sublime in nature was always the suiting song.

Encinitas always kept the vibe of we the cleanest.
Baddest cars, beaches and chics west coast was always the meanest.


A Wiseman's Kick

A Wiseman's kick always played unto nature. I see a destiny and why not help create the better picture. A little spin to get the ball rolling in a direction. I gave a fair warning to avoid any discretion.
There always comes a time in a man's life when he thinks of what is the greatest thing he can achieve. I was a man who wanted to venture it all but give it unto a past heave. I thought I could take care of them all in one. Imperfection leads you to strive for perfection. But at the end of the day perfection is always ahead of us. So it leads to the understanding that the beauty of life is the imperfection and that is really the perfection that allowed. But I saw what I had to do and all it was sit back and write. After all I knew all the right vibes that would find what was once alright. I just had to play DJ with myself for a little while. Yeah but come on I kept it going to save a smile. Passion I was riding off of it was the only thing at hand. Kept only one law to write only from the heart. What comes of it could only help me play my part. I only wanted to give back, meet new people, study culture and explore. I had plenty of the rest but those were my new heights. It entailed sharing my life and what I had learned. But it gave me understanding to a greater picture at the end of day so why not share to help others. My Dad had instilled it on me after all. Childhood of church left and right is more than likely gotten you bound to have its influence on you. It did so much I wanted to speak its truth. Wasn't it about sometime someone gave new perspective anyways.  It was like my Dad gave me the old Wiseman's kick and I was bound to come serve it back around to him. The church was the truth but it came to sell it's truth.  JAH had intended his word to be spoke and taught unto youth and not sold. But it was like with this truth came perspective on the whole ordeal. Corporation was beginning to infiltrate faith but what my Dad had held amongst it was about as real as it could of allowed for. Money played its part but it always was served forward for its righteous purpose. I came back knocking on the door with Rastafari painting yah way. Wasn't ever going to put a dollar sign on my writing and bringing the colors of joyous season and showing irony presents itself only for assurance. Maybe it was to help clarify one's perspective on karma. I'd only wonder a step further and ask where'd you get it. Maybe I'd make it a little new world order ordeal out of it? Weren't they all just waiting for a good story to go with it?