Peace to the divine in all, God bless...
Shalom to those who find faith in their work.
For work unto peace shall find better days to come.
Sun risen, eastern mountain lit the road that found the fork.
Two paths you can go by, a zeppelin awaits for some.
Namaste to all who acknowledge the others within.
To set forward the influence that allows for greater intellection.
Two minds are greater than one a concurrence from a drop of a pin.
A beginning sound that can bring one to find direction.
JAH bless and happy returns to a greater evermore.
Sunset western ocean, cliff sided meditation gifted back unto him.
Wipe your tear child of ours and let yours simply pour.
You see I call upon a simple ideology.
Language uses discretion, better used simplistically.
Idol worship shall come and Idol worship shall fall.
The Christian message was to worship his Father in heaven who brought the call.
The land before time, a walk for better days.
But after a crucifixion idolism could leave people in a haze.
He left us his sun of day and his moon by night.
To give him back his prayer in case we encountered fright.
I'm here to share a simple philosophy and truth.
Life is just the nature of things our heavenly Father created for the youth.
Yellow points up and red points down.
A green circle of yours makes this symbol our crown.
Haile Selassie I, I founded the way of I n I.
But why denounce this truth, these words don't deem a lie.
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