These say I mites in righteous trinity dignity fight and peace :) 10

Me Pizzo

Me Pizzo
Me Thizzin her vibes love and eveverthin thizzin thing ;)

My Licka Cuz Its You

My Licka Cuz Its You
My Licka Cuz Its You

Timez of helping

Timez of helping

We Rocketh the Natural Way

We Rocketh the Natural Way
We Rocketh the Natural Way



Breakfast or Takings

Breakfast or Takings

Hey Now

Hey Now

The Ribbon

The Ribbon



Rastafari Coexist

Rastafari Coexist

Welcome New Followers

Welcome to the Philosopher's stone. My blog has been running for the last year and a half. I have been a practicing Rastaman since I began this write. I have a love for music, writing, culture and God. The truth to this blog is to find the power of the people. Power is found through unity and ideal. Ultimately a unified ideal can begin a unified identity. Rastafari is a lot more then believing in the herb. It is a faith and a way of living. I have dedicated a lot of this blog to poetry and music. Wisdom is my true passion because it is a field of study that is never ending. I have touched on subjects that matter on ancient hermetic Egyptian wisdom which is the foundation of all world faith and Religion. The truth is that we live in a day in age of what which will begin to be a spiritual awakening. That we are spiritual beings that live a spiritual life. The power of the spirit can power a mind to find what one is called to in life. Spirituality is the power of all humanity. Rastafari is the teaching of all acceptance. That is the belief of a Rastaman. I am in transition with this blog and well my passion is to teach one day. I have yet to bring news source to my blog but decided to start to bring 3rd party source on this site to help gather more culture that involves what a Rasta really stands for. We are the the way of root living and the faith that teaches the system is corrupt. Enjoy reading some material that involves Rasta worldwide. One Love.

Conquering Lion of Judah

Conquering Lion of Judah

A Gem found In Alcmey

A Gem found In Alcmey

To Study Onward

To Study Onward

The Foundation of a Rastafarian Ideal

The Foundation of a Rastafarian Ideal



It's Been Said Before

It's Been Said Before

About the Edit Unto Your's

As they say in the Big Easy hey y'all . Little did I know that local lingo for New Orleans would become my renewed faith in understanding a new way of life. Big Easy as a sort of a Hakuna Matata lighter sense and page. My names Ryan and people call me Moke for a nick. Heavy in my dance & river days I went by Movement. I like them all. Never needed a Mohawk to rectify my will. Well anyways I just moved back to sunny San Diego after spending the last close to 3 years in Louisiana. Born and raised in San Diego private school the whole 9 yards and a Kaeding of a miss to a field goal. Did some time up in Chico, CA. Fun times, but was still searching on what I wanted to do in life. Dipped down south to get Bourbon dirty while looking to find my calling.. Right? If your going to do it you might as well do it right. Met some fun people, made some memories and actually grew up. Left a lovely girl behind, but hopefully one day we'll be back in mind. Moral of the story I finally found out something I was looking for. What was really going on and is it really 2014 already? I picked up my love for writing and let my thoughts take the wheel. As I was riding upon my journal I knew my higher self was leading me somewhere. Go figure out the roots to my roots. I had a revelation that their was one genre of music I had ventured in but not far enough. Reggae was making its way back to me and I began to remember my love of its simplicity but profound truth. Sure enough my writing was taking me there as well. Tired of the battle amongst Christianity and other world religions I turned to studying nature. Began self teaching Astrotheology and other hermetic wisdom. Then it dawned on me there was a lost world doctrine and way of life that emphasized that nature is the way. Rastafarian. Remembering its misconception of a youth's rebellion I always knew it held more than truth, pure truth. So here I am still dipping my toes in understanding the Rastaman's way knowing my hometown is the place to start. Identity had been important for many but many like myself gave up on what was being taught. The purpose that is driven through my blog is to find a commune in my generation's ideology and bring people back together through the power of spirituality and love for acceptance for one another. A recognition of the empowering One Love. One thing our world has lost touch of is the rooted key of the Rastaman way. That is living life through suppression and instilling self discipline. Wasn't this the path that all eastern and western religions insinuated as being the tool for enlightenment? Yes, but it got misconstrued through its complexity. Heigh-ho back to the roots we should go. So I invite you to follow my blog to begin to learn a lost way of life or to invite you to teach me a thing or two. It is time our generation spoke together through the power of unified identity. Time for a real campaign of change from the people as it should be and come. Time our entire nation legalized the plant that symbolized freedom. Sending Rastaman vibrations outwards for a revival of a Kingdom. Please feel free to add me on facebook Ryan Moquin

~Peace, Love, Unity and Respect we already knew what was coming next~


Hey everybody. Sorry for lack of content the last past month I was actually locked up in jail. No need to worry I'm back here to stay and all is well. Anyways I had much time to write and foresee where I wanted to take this blog and in what direction. A lot of posts before were not thought out completely and expression of my emotion. So I took down some. But I have passed that haze and my writing will begin to show. I want this blog to be based on a 5 point structure.

1) To promote Rastafari Doctrine & Way of Life
2) To be a multimedia outlet for all arts combined
3) To promote discussion & eventually through forum
4) To bring together people spiritually
5) And most importantly promote world peace

Thank you for reading and hope you enjoy. In the near future I'm going to begin making videos so the poetry can be better understood. There is a lot of ancient philosophy and wisdom behind the influence of them.
Ok that is all for now. One Love.

Comments (8/30)

Welcome to leave comments on any post. I just changed the setting to where anyone can comment without having to use an account. Exercise your first amendment right and input your two cents. Comments can be posted anonymously. All I ask is for no trolls. Just positivity and livity.

Chant Down Babylon

Chant Down Babylon


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

An introduction to Rastafari by Ras Charles and French Dread

An introduction to Rastafari by Ras Charles and French Dread

The aim and "why" of Rastafarian faith

We must look to the almighty Jah, thank God who has raised man above all creatures and endowed him with reason and intelligence.
We must at all times put our trust and faith in Him and he will not desert us or permit us to destroy ourselves or humanity that He created in His image. We must examine ourselves and look deeply in our souls. We must become something we have never been before. We must become bigger that we have been, greater in spirit, more courageous, and larger in our outlook.
As His majesty said, we must overcome our petty prejudices, even if the weight of history is heavy, owing our ultimate dedication or allegiance not to any nation or country, but to our fellow men within the human community and become member of a new race, the true race: the human race.

What is Rastafari

Rastafari is a movement of black people who know Africa is the birthplace of mankind, all mankind. It is a twentieth century manifestation of God that enlightened our pathway towards righteousness and is therefore worthy of reverence.
Rastafari recognizes Africa as the central origin of religious history, culture, science and technology. Africa, symbolized in the scriptures by Ethiopia (I-thiopia) is an emotional magnet for many Africans, that is calling us home to the continent which our ancestors were taken by force from more than three hundred years ago, during slavery, the black holocaust.
That call has never been felt more deeply than by members of the Rastafari faith. Rastafari wants all people, especially black people, to know that we are Africans and to develop a sense of pride and integrity in ourselves, knowing that our heritage is of the noblest of mankind and that we are in fear of no man.
All people, especially Black people, are Africans and Africa is the birthplace of mankind. We must re-culture ourselves so we can have a sense of pride, in the turning from Occidental culture, and taking into ourselves the power of our African culture, which has been hidden from us for so long. As it is written, Africa awaits the creator and Rastafari.
See I and I selves as positive warriors in the battle for redemption and reconstruction of our mother continent. See I and I selves as Jah masons, who build and don't destroy like Babylon do..
To accomplish this, we cannot confront the occident with there armonition to win, our only hope is for us to use the mental power of our African culture to unite ourselves and overwhelm the negative aspects of Occidental culture where ever it impedes our progress and enlightenment. It doesn't mean that europeans or whites or any color are bad, as we are all Jah creatures, but people shall know that Babylon is going wrong and will deceive them.
Creating divisions, ie among races, is the rule of Babylon. So racism has nothing to do with Rastafari. "United we stand, divided we fall".

History and prophecyThe birth of the movement of Rastafari can be officially fixed in Ethiopia during the coronation of the prince Ras Tafari Makonnen (Haile Selassie) on November 2, 1930. This was no ordinary event in Jamaica because a year earlier Marcus Mossiah Garvey had a prophetic vision, seeing a king be crowned in Africa.
After the coronation of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I (Power of the Trinity), several individuals searched the Bible for confirmation and found it in the Psalms: "A Prince shall come out of Egypt, and Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hand unto Jah". The prophecy was fullfilled and these people were the first Rastafarians.
Apart from carrying the legal title "King of Kings, Lord of Lords, conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah" that is written in Revelations, Haile Selassie is the 225th descendant of King Salomon, son of David, and the Queen of Sheba.

Many times people have asked what proof does Rastafarians have to point to Haile Selassie as our Savior. Look at Revelations 5 verse 5, Revelations 19 verse 16, Revelations 22 verse 16 and Psalms 87:4, Ezekiel 30, Epistle to Timothy, Revelation 19, 22, Psalms 9,18, 68, 76,and Isaiah 9.
When HIM returned from exile, in 1941, further proof was found in Revelations17:14. It is written that “ They shall make war with the lamb, and the lamb shall overcome them, for he is Lord of Lords and King of Kings and they that are with HIM are called and chosen and faithful”. So the Rastafarians of Jamaica must always be honored and praised as the vanguard of African resistance movement from which we must be entirely and eternally grateful.

The early Rastas come from the worst possible slum which no one could ever imagine were often beaten, harassed, and imprisoned. The movement went through a relatively peaceful time maybe during the 1930’s or 40’s. But in the 1950’s and towards the ’70s the movement faced continuous and increased prosecution and harassment from the middle and upper class of Jamaica society and was regarded as an outcast. They in turn regard the society as Babylon, which is evil. It is the oppressor and not their home, but a place where they were captive,and until they return to Africa there will be no peace. They were also discriminated against by fellow Jamaicans and constantly arassed by the police and attacked by the media. The movement at this time was also growing in small numbers across the Caribbean, U.S. and especially in England. The Black Power Protest in the U.S.A. in the 1960’s also strengthened the movement. Because of it’s dynamic nature of the movement the belief and the language vary from group to group and from area to area. By the mid1970’s however, the movement took a dramatic turn with the rise of reggae and his most famous representative Bob Marley

Nowadays, many people accept Rastafari, but some are afraid to really project it in their own way because of what society teaches. And some of them through struggles allow themselves to become what they are.

The Rasta worship and Symbols

Like any spirituality, Rasta has its own traditions and symbols:

Dreadlocks: they have several meanings. First, they are a part of the biblical Nazarene vow, who prohibits to shave and comb the hair. (But it is not the dreadlocks who makes someone a rastaman, and some Rastas don't wear dreadlocks).
The locks, because of their appearance, symbolizes the roots of the man, and his spirituality, the link with Jah. As Marcus Garvey said, "a man without knowing of his past is like a tree without roots". They can also be seen as a symbol of the Lion, Haile Selassie I.

The Ganja, "healing of the nations', also known as hemp, cannabis, or marijuana, is used as a holy sacrament by Rastas in many ways. The legend says that the Holy Herb was found growing on the King Solomon's grave.
Use of herb has his source in the Bible: "Thou shalt eat the herb of the field." (Genesis 3:18), "eat every herb of the land." (Exodus 10:12), "Better is a dinner of herb where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred there with." (Proverbs 15:17), "He causeth the grass for the cattle, and herb for the service of man." (Psalms 104:14)
Rastas smoke herb to meditate, symbolizing the burning bush, and for his curative properties (ie asthma). Herb can be eaten or infused. His seeds are very nutrious. Hemp is also used to make clothes, shoes and ropes.

Rasta flag: The red, yellow, green are the colors of the Rasta flag. The red symbolizes the blood of black people, the yellow the stolen gold and the green the lost lands of Africa.
The Rasta flag can also be seen during coptic celebration in the motherland Ethiopia. These colors are too on the senegalese flag, from where thousand of slaves were deported, transiting by the Goree island.

The star of David: The star of David is the symbol of the linkage between HIM Haile Selassie and David. When HIM make the Solomon seal with his hands, you can see that it looks like the star of david. Also, the Rasta consider themselves like the Israelites in exile in Babylon. The star of David is the symbol of Israel.

The Conquering Lion and the Lamb: they both symbolize HIM Haile Selassie according to the Revelations and the opening of the seven seals. They are two faces of a same reality, the Alpha and Omega.

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