These say I mites in righteous trinity dignity fight and peace :) 10

Me Pizzo

Me Pizzo
Me Thizzin her vibes love and eveverthin thizzin thing ;)

My Licka Cuz Its You

My Licka Cuz Its You
My Licka Cuz Its You

Timez of helping

Timez of helping

We Rocketh the Natural Way

We Rocketh the Natural Way
We Rocketh the Natural Way



Breakfast or Takings

Breakfast or Takings

Hey Now

Hey Now

The Ribbon

The Ribbon



Rastafari Coexist

Rastafari Coexist

Welcome New Followers

Welcome to the Philosopher's stone. My blog has been running for the last year and a half. I have been a practicing Rastaman since I began this write. I have a love for music, writing, culture and God. The truth to this blog is to find the power of the people. Power is found through unity and ideal. Ultimately a unified ideal can begin a unified identity. Rastafari is a lot more then believing in the herb. It is a faith and a way of living. I have dedicated a lot of this blog to poetry and music. Wisdom is my true passion because it is a field of study that is never ending. I have touched on subjects that matter on ancient hermetic Egyptian wisdom which is the foundation of all world faith and Religion. The truth is that we live in a day in age of what which will begin to be a spiritual awakening. That we are spiritual beings that live a spiritual life. The power of the spirit can power a mind to find what one is called to in life. Spirituality is the power of all humanity. Rastafari is the teaching of all acceptance. That is the belief of a Rastaman. I am in transition with this blog and well my passion is to teach one day. I have yet to bring news source to my blog but decided to start to bring 3rd party source on this site to help gather more culture that involves what a Rasta really stands for. We are the the way of root living and the faith that teaches the system is corrupt. Enjoy reading some material that involves Rasta worldwide. One Love.

Conquering Lion of Judah

Conquering Lion of Judah

A Gem found In Alcmey

A Gem found In Alcmey

To Study Onward

To Study Onward

The Foundation of a Rastafarian Ideal

The Foundation of a Rastafarian Ideal



It's Been Said Before

It's Been Said Before

About the Edit Unto Your's

As they say in the Big Easy hey y'all . Little did I know that local lingo for New Orleans would become my renewed faith in understanding a new way of life. Big Easy as a sort of a Hakuna Matata lighter sense and page. My names Ryan and people call me Moke for a nick. Heavy in my dance & river days I went by Movement. I like them all. Never needed a Mohawk to rectify my will. Well anyways I just moved back to sunny San Diego after spending the last close to 3 years in Louisiana. Born and raised in San Diego private school the whole 9 yards and a Kaeding of a miss to a field goal. Did some time up in Chico, CA. Fun times, but was still searching on what I wanted to do in life. Dipped down south to get Bourbon dirty while looking to find my calling.. Right? If your going to do it you might as well do it right. Met some fun people, made some memories and actually grew up. Left a lovely girl behind, but hopefully one day we'll be back in mind. Moral of the story I finally found out something I was looking for. What was really going on and is it really 2014 already? I picked up my love for writing and let my thoughts take the wheel. As I was riding upon my journal I knew my higher self was leading me somewhere. Go figure out the roots to my roots. I had a revelation that their was one genre of music I had ventured in but not far enough. Reggae was making its way back to me and I began to remember my love of its simplicity but profound truth. Sure enough my writing was taking me there as well. Tired of the battle amongst Christianity and other world religions I turned to studying nature. Began self teaching Astrotheology and other hermetic wisdom. Then it dawned on me there was a lost world doctrine and way of life that emphasized that nature is the way. Rastafarian. Remembering its misconception of a youth's rebellion I always knew it held more than truth, pure truth. So here I am still dipping my toes in understanding the Rastaman's way knowing my hometown is the place to start. Identity had been important for many but many like myself gave up on what was being taught. The purpose that is driven through my blog is to find a commune in my generation's ideology and bring people back together through the power of spirituality and love for acceptance for one another. A recognition of the empowering One Love. One thing our world has lost touch of is the rooted key of the Rastaman way. That is living life through suppression and instilling self discipline. Wasn't this the path that all eastern and western religions insinuated as being the tool for enlightenment? Yes, but it got misconstrued through its complexity. Heigh-ho back to the roots we should go. So I invite you to follow my blog to begin to learn a lost way of life or to invite you to teach me a thing or two. It is time our generation spoke together through the power of unified identity. Time for a real campaign of change from the people as it should be and come. Time our entire nation legalized the plant that symbolized freedom. Sending Rastaman vibrations outwards for a revival of a Kingdom. Please feel free to add me on facebook Ryan Moquin

~Peace, Love, Unity and Respect we already knew what was coming next~


Hey everybody. Sorry for lack of content the last past month I was actually locked up in jail. No need to worry I'm back here to stay and all is well. Anyways I had much time to write and foresee where I wanted to take this blog and in what direction. A lot of posts before were not thought out completely and expression of my emotion. So I took down some. But I have passed that haze and my writing will begin to show. I want this blog to be based on a 5 point structure.

1) To promote Rastafari Doctrine & Way of Life
2) To be a multimedia outlet for all arts combined
3) To promote discussion & eventually through forum
4) To bring together people spiritually
5) And most importantly promote world peace

Thank you for reading and hope you enjoy. In the near future I'm going to begin making videos so the poetry can be better understood. There is a lot of ancient philosophy and wisdom behind the influence of them.
Ok that is all for now. One Love.

Comments (8/30)

Welcome to leave comments on any post. I just changed the setting to where anyone can comment without having to use an account. Exercise your first amendment right and input your two cents. Comments can be posted anonymously. All I ask is for no trolls. Just positivity and livity.

Chant Down Babylon

Chant Down Babylon


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Finding my Father's True Love in a Sunflash

Funny how a library can offer all the reflection that you need.
Was always my back bone and my safe house in case of a stampede.
Getting kicked out of my house trying to find a home like a mouse in a book.
But I always took the easy way out hitting the herb for a look.
Batman without a Robin only bound upon some pirate hook.
Cat caught your tongue better now be-awaring.
Old school ship gangster “fa sho” nice for sharing.
Back to my room hitting the tapedeck looking for some caring.
Kicking back time over true tunes a pirate over a jingle is only bound for single.
But hey I wanted to be Peter Pan too flying around town pick’n on people too.
Pulling up to a stop lipping a cuss at some boys in blue.
Sure Il take the ticket what you guys going to do.
Private school all the way where you think Id learned how to repay.
Who you think I am just a little boy sorry for a mommy.
But they kind of had it right so I felt like the dummy.
Thinking about something instead of wanting to suck my thumb that healed the hurt.
See my birth mom had lost it cause she had given a virgin birth.
Denying my possibility and what I could be worth.
Raw parking lot kid rocking a carseat wishing to the sun for a tuneth.
Tooth or tune you silly little lion of a moonth.
Your such a cry baby I should just call you Ryan.
A little know it all always asking why? With a An?
Why you trying to play little gangsta pirate?
Now your surely going to have to have a whine cry’s hurt.
Your mother left you outside in the sun to burn out in the dirt.
You were bound to be full of sunkisses that would hit you upon a shirt.
You started to find this story leaving out the garage with an old file.
Jacking my word trying to muster up a pile.
You were born like a leaf so here’s a little wind.
Maybe it will pick you up and find you a family and new friend.
Born as a straight front yard working the block kind of kid.
Crying up the real OG of a skit to a fret a real Ice-age Sid.
Always crying the loudest to the mamacitas bout the beach life.
That felt the let of a dream of a summer love back with a lead to a wife.
Hey sweet sunshine I wanna hit the set catch a wave and learn how to reach.
White boy burned native ja making me crazy aw you sour peach.
Fooling myself in front of my Father.
Probably thinking to himself why do I even bother.
Must have been worthy of the old wiseman’s kick.
Here’s a family to a lollipop but your attitude will only feel a lick.
Stuck upon a coloring book abc and a 123 up to 10.
Little Jackson moonwalk backwards bound to find a pen.
True lost boy stuck under a Neverland kind of story.
Passing the blues on tv hoping not to get stuck catching Maury.
I learned to take myself back to the water that I wanted so bad.
Learning how to paddle stand catch and ride like a lad.
Riding the face of the curl of a feeling so rad.
Pirate indeed kind of thrills instead of dull hand labor skills.
Surf died maybe Il paddle in for some pills.
 Always looking for a higher thrill to be taken back to a plant.
I feel ya meditation but some sun caps would fit my torn “cant”.
I don’t got any go ask your Moon of a Mama.
She’s usually more giving than a grass eating llama.
Found her Love a upon a dance floor.
Hawaiian Luau straight island style without a bore.
But innocence was destined to open the wrong door.
Found her felt love back on a colorful pill mocking pure white moon rocks that filled all galore.
I’m talking thizz face bay area my go to for popping some ecstasy.
Playing gangsta pirate stupid making a fool over a love pill in me.
But right from the get go I saw what was going on.
She was bumping some electric love to get rid of my sad song.
Just listen rascal stay true to you roots in a vessel that can pour.
Hit the dance floor pull a shuffle kick back and watch some more.
Rave kid puffing hey Zeus here I’ll take the circle to pour a little juice out the door.
The only trick I had for a chic that probably flew away after a bore.
I ain’t bout the trade I’m on my high chair of here take back the phone booth.
Five alive took a handful of love pills to hit the green hill of truth.
Biggest rave yet can’t even dance my Mother’s Moon made me feel my lack of big boys pants.
Not so fun when you can’t dance so go sit over there and feel some ants.
Old forgotten feeling loneliest kid at the entire massive.            
Even got a fat lip from chewing all back the passive .
But I always cruised a rave to simply dance and learn a little wisdom.
Music brought back the peace into my inner Kingdom.
That Electric Daisy Carnival of summer of a full 10.
I would ignite some thoughts for a pen.
Destined for the Big Easy for it was the closet thing to Neverland.
Tossing back the joker to a played out like a 1 man kind of band.
Rich Pirate Caves that made me feel like a man.
Found the little Iwish in me and scored me a woman.
Pulling up the old weed telling stories of how I can.
Only breaking an old Mary of a heart.
Come on Ryan its time to play your part.
I made her feel the pain so she was forced to leave.
Riding my four wheeler busted jeep back west no flying to deceive.
Crying across country just yelling a nice fuck me.
Bout time I played myself pirate it would have begun to struck thee.
Back home trying to plot a love story over some shell?
Off with a Tink maybe her love with start to stir up this spell.
Nice try Ryan you are eyeing far apart.
That’s not you stop trying to pull an old pirate fart.
So I had written and believed up my own entire story.
Girl kept me hanging but always kept open the door and told me not to worry.
Thought she had left me for a girl who was playing upon magic.
Ryan you young fool we are trying to let you see your own Cat’s itch.
Here we will feed you a whole story of a lost Dorthy twist.
Let it out of you let us see your paw of a fist.
I had finally felt that I had been handed the best story upon a true miss.
Thank’s Dad I just needed another one of your stir him up kind of sun’s kiss.
Called her work to throw my girl and her friend under the bus.
Playing myself the biggest fool and throwing myself right into a new fuss.
Thinking I had shut the witch up I realized I had just sipped from his cup.
All too fake to be real were they giving me a betterment of a light up.
Always running back to my mother for her loving will.
But no car in the drive way that’s your own apple juice to fill.
Drove off like the old times in direction for school.
Wait I live the other way what am I doing you fool?
Flipping a bitch wam bam thank you mam.
You played yourself stupid for a yonder little lamb.
You had to prove yourself before you could bring light back to the fam.
Never giving poor boy blue a stich of his own pain.
Figure it out yourself here’s clues don’t get stuck in vain.
Gracious being an understatement I thought it be true for quite a while.
But I always played smarter than me to myself to start my own inside pirate pile.
Knowing it to be true to only keep ahold of its ponder.
Yeah but what would happen if this were to be fonder?
Inspiration came with quite the deserving sense of humblebility.
Bringing back the word that brought life back to the holy trinity.
Sorry for taking so long I was playing my favorite hat trick out of a pit.
Green apple to carrot smoking a lil grass to find and share it.
Must have been my favorite tie-dye shirt I wore at every rave,
Natural flashback  of the sun to my color book blanket that felt the save.
Taking a smoke break to laugh back at that old carrot.
A real white rabbit keeping its grass to smoke and truly fair it.
Sorry for having to write out and hit all the drawn out notes.
Heavens sent this one here's my Sheppard's rod lets find our truest hopes.
Back to the roots of a carrot so I have come to prepare it.
Asking for all forgiveness I will surely wear it.


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