These say I mites in righteous trinity dignity fight and peace :) 10

Me Pizzo

Me Pizzo
Me Thizzin her vibes love and eveverthin thizzin thing ;)

My Licka Cuz Its You

My Licka Cuz Its You
My Licka Cuz Its You

Timez of helping

Timez of helping

We Rocketh the Natural Way

We Rocketh the Natural Way
We Rocketh the Natural Way



Breakfast or Takings

Breakfast or Takings

Hey Now

Hey Now

The Ribbon

The Ribbon



Rastafari Coexist

Rastafari Coexist

Welcome New Followers

Welcome to the Philosopher's stone. My blog has been running for the last year and a half. I have been a practicing Rastaman since I began this write. I have a love for music, writing, culture and God. The truth to this blog is to find the power of the people. Power is found through unity and ideal. Ultimately a unified ideal can begin a unified identity. Rastafari is a lot more then believing in the herb. It is a faith and a way of living. I have dedicated a lot of this blog to poetry and music. Wisdom is my true passion because it is a field of study that is never ending. I have touched on subjects that matter on ancient hermetic Egyptian wisdom which is the foundation of all world faith and Religion. The truth is that we live in a day in age of what which will begin to be a spiritual awakening. That we are spiritual beings that live a spiritual life. The power of the spirit can power a mind to find what one is called to in life. Spirituality is the power of all humanity. Rastafari is the teaching of all acceptance. That is the belief of a Rastaman. I am in transition with this blog and well my passion is to teach one day. I have yet to bring news source to my blog but decided to start to bring 3rd party source on this site to help gather more culture that involves what a Rasta really stands for. We are the the way of root living and the faith that teaches the system is corrupt. Enjoy reading some material that involves Rasta worldwide. One Love.

Conquering Lion of Judah

Conquering Lion of Judah

A Gem found In Alcmey

A Gem found In Alcmey

To Study Onward

To Study Onward

The Foundation of a Rastafarian Ideal

The Foundation of a Rastafarian Ideal



It's Been Said Before

It's Been Said Before

About the Edit Unto Your's

As they say in the Big Easy hey y'all . Little did I know that local lingo for New Orleans would become my renewed faith in understanding a new way of life. Big Easy as a sort of a Hakuna Matata lighter sense and page. My names Ryan and people call me Moke for a nick. Heavy in my dance & river days I went by Movement. I like them all. Never needed a Mohawk to rectify my will. Well anyways I just moved back to sunny San Diego after spending the last close to 3 years in Louisiana. Born and raised in San Diego private school the whole 9 yards and a Kaeding of a miss to a field goal. Did some time up in Chico, CA. Fun times, but was still searching on what I wanted to do in life. Dipped down south to get Bourbon dirty while looking to find my calling.. Right? If your going to do it you might as well do it right. Met some fun people, made some memories and actually grew up. Left a lovely girl behind, but hopefully one day we'll be back in mind. Moral of the story I finally found out something I was looking for. What was really going on and is it really 2014 already? I picked up my love for writing and let my thoughts take the wheel. As I was riding upon my journal I knew my higher self was leading me somewhere. Go figure out the roots to my roots. I had a revelation that their was one genre of music I had ventured in but not far enough. Reggae was making its way back to me and I began to remember my love of its simplicity but profound truth. Sure enough my writing was taking me there as well. Tired of the battle amongst Christianity and other world religions I turned to studying nature. Began self teaching Astrotheology and other hermetic wisdom. Then it dawned on me there was a lost world doctrine and way of life that emphasized that nature is the way. Rastafarian. Remembering its misconception of a youth's rebellion I always knew it held more than truth, pure truth. So here I am still dipping my toes in understanding the Rastaman's way knowing my hometown is the place to start. Identity had been important for many but many like myself gave up on what was being taught. The purpose that is driven through my blog is to find a commune in my generation's ideology and bring people back together through the power of spirituality and love for acceptance for one another. A recognition of the empowering One Love. One thing our world has lost touch of is the rooted key of the Rastaman way. That is living life through suppression and instilling self discipline. Wasn't this the path that all eastern and western religions insinuated as being the tool for enlightenment? Yes, but it got misconstrued through its complexity. Heigh-ho back to the roots we should go. So I invite you to follow my blog to begin to learn a lost way of life or to invite you to teach me a thing or two. It is time our generation spoke together through the power of unified identity. Time for a real campaign of change from the people as it should be and come. Time our entire nation legalized the plant that symbolized freedom. Sending Rastaman vibrations outwards for a revival of a Kingdom. Please feel free to add me on facebook Ryan Moquin

~Peace, Love, Unity and Respect we already knew what was coming next~


Hey everybody. Sorry for lack of content the last past month I was actually locked up in jail. No need to worry I'm back here to stay and all is well. Anyways I had much time to write and foresee where I wanted to take this blog and in what direction. A lot of posts before were not thought out completely and expression of my emotion. So I took down some. But I have passed that haze and my writing will begin to show. I want this blog to be based on a 5 point structure.

1) To promote Rastafari Doctrine & Way of Life
2) To be a multimedia outlet for all arts combined
3) To promote discussion & eventually through forum
4) To bring together people spiritually
5) And most importantly promote world peace

Thank you for reading and hope you enjoy. In the near future I'm going to begin making videos so the poetry can be better understood. There is a lot of ancient philosophy and wisdom behind the influence of them.
Ok that is all for now. One Love.

Comments (8/30)

Welcome to leave comments on any post. I just changed the setting to where anyone can comment without having to use an account. Exercise your first amendment right and input your two cents. Comments can be posted anonymously. All I ask is for no trolls. Just positivity and livity.

Chant Down Babylon

Chant Down Babylon


Sunday, September 28, 2014

Lost in Translation

The world spun round on thin lines of vocabulary.
Double meaning just left people possibly wondering on a double meaning.
I was striving for a little poetic justice something that could be taken contrary.
But I left some trace of irony to guide only one and hope its purpose could find gleaming.
It seemed I experienced what I had been looking for the entire whole time.
But something had gotten away from growth because communication was lost in translation.
Or was translation lost amongst communication maybe it could be seen better over rhyme?
I just wanted to use it as an art to hint in the right direction for a nation.
So I allowed it unto to all but I was bringing my way of word back to her in time.
I was going to take it back and begin what I had in mind for the beginning of this creation.
Words just got in the way but this relief is something I could not give up.
Hitting the high road I threw my thumb up and gave them all a new direction.
Things were mistaken based on assumption proving language is a half filled cup.
Take what I've shared as a way of proving your self's intellection.
But respect is always part of the issue at hand.
So I ask unto JAH with respect to allow for what has been stored.
And allow this way to take unto its purposeful band.
Revelation was always revealed through written word that could be explored.
Take note and find what's noteworthy is worth to be left behind.
I'm only writing to one love now please let it be.
I'm on a journey to show an old way on how love used to find.
Let it be an example Rastafari a missing link can set a whole new world free.

Friday, September 26, 2014

A Triangle Always Gave Perspective

The game of love it is what life is lived for.
In search for the soul that opens that new heavenly door.
But peculiarity gave way to a new perspective.
The ladies surely were always a step ahead of them.
Weren't they the ones that ended up decided if it was no good?
What guy is saying no to more loving that seemed it could?
Yeah it is a gift they got to know in what they were doing.
A number over a hint of irony could bring them their delightful morning.
Didn't a love triangle allow for some assurance?
Yeah but I gotta make sure I'm taking the right dance.
All I gotta say fella's JAH angels are smarter than you all.
Testing patience so they wouldn't have to deal with another stupid call.
Don't worry be happy their all working it in your favor.
It was always a charm that was bound to savor.
But sacrifice has been given and time has come to relieve.
I speak for all Rastaman dear Empress it is a burden you can now leave.
One Love shall return for its in the hearts of many.
Thank you sweet angels for saving us guys plenty.
JAH Rastafari Love is her wisdom she held high.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


I n I a pathway unto respectable dignity.
JAH Rastafari rectify truth of the most high I trinity.
A peaceful treaty for all nations I locked love.
Rastaman only speaks unto truth and gives it back to the above.
A dream felt from the heart the way comes with sacrifice.
But Rasta holds the heart of a lion I n I we no lyin just speakin nice.
Society frowns upon I belief not to lie down to capitalism conform.
The Rasta dream was always just to play house and keep our love warm.
We live to learn moral and share the peace found inside.
The Rasta self discipline instills a humble will one can't hide.
A self growth journey a path I can never leave.
Some may never understand but it is their burden to heave.
We respect our roots and mother earth.
For she gifted her herb to the way of the greatest worth.
Legalize it they may say why?
I smile and simply shout a way to all ally.  
One day the way will prevail amongst the truth.
I n I teaching of dignity built for our youth.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Jail House Blues

It has come as recognition and realization after being a victim of the system this pass summer that this way of control is long outdated. I've been in and out of jail a few times for petty charges and have come to realize how our jail system really works. I'm not a criminal nor gang associated, but I was taken for jail for my actions and first time round deserved it but I knew JAH was taking me there for purpose and reason to learn a lesson. Nonetheless since then I've been back a few times non deserving and its been nothing but a hassle. Probation is just a trap system to get people back in. Its sad and ridiculous. I'd say 90 percent of inmates are attempting recovering addicts of mostly heroine and meth and are non violent criminals that just need treatment that the court is not making readily available. These drugs are confiscated by them and resold by them otherwise they would not be readily available. It has been an epidemic in southern California for far too long. Below is a poem I wrote when I was doing time and illustrates the scene in the module I was in and how depressing jail really is.

The jail house blues, the cards and laughter runs the tables of old news.
Comics facing up and addicts facing down. Hasn't this been a scene we have seen too much around?
Tattoos show some color, possibly indication who is your brother.
Been seeing too much white ass coming out of that dirty shower.
The vibes in here are nothing but surely fake and sour.
Got my towel round my head, cowboy gangsta repping bandanna.
Contra messiah is what were playing back got my piece unripe banana.
Rolling solo once again, top of the stairs like true poet pencil in hand.
Coffee by my side, schizo in my head. Whistlin' a little grateful, thankful my heart ain't dead.
Curls in her hair is what makes a man dream at night.
Knowing one day all this shit will be behind me and over a cigarette Il smile and feel alright.
Reminiscing over the nights I used cocaine to numb this old here pain.
Nowadays sobriety is the only thing that makes me feel somewhat sane.
Nurse at the window I got happy pills for you boys.
With a smirk and sarcasm I laugh, your just feeding them back your annoys.
Yep meth and heroine the devils duo runs this system.
A nice little combination to make sure the pigs won't miss them.
Man I take it this shit to heart to see this evil fed by addiction.
Won't this world wake up and see the coppers are the friction.
Freedom for all let them do as they please.
Let them learn themselves I bet my bottom dollar violence would find its ease.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Rasta at Heart

I'm a Rasta at heart you know. It grows within a love that seems to ever glow.
Roots hold us down for we Rasta's don't fool around.
The harder we come the harder we fall.
But sharing JAH heart is solemnly our call.
We're warriors unto peace. Friends unto trust. And family to all.
You see I found truth upon a tree. Given I meditation up to the
Don't you see the beauty alongside the irony?
JAHs chosen people are the most high who has given it to his glory.
I n I recognize the sadness that resides in a lost story.
They didn't just crucify his son but they crucified his tree.
Mother Mary somehow kept them calm upon her loving grace.
A righteousful purpose of remembrance served back on a towel he left
us his face.
JAH Christ was always his essence. For JAH search in I was always
amongst the presence.
You see I Rasta is pure bliss and beauty. Suppress to all temptation and start to feel free.
Give into One Love the motto of the way. An ideal that had a set path that led from Yahweh.

I owe my life unto your teaching and root living.

It saved me from addiction, suicide and life full of missing.
Africa is JAH homeland. A cipher we can begin to pick and understand.
The heart is shown upon a tear. I n I sets the heart and eyes away from all fear.
I hold unto passion to rid all misconception.
Soul driven purpose in yearning of search of righteousful intellection.
Recognition of Babylon is beginning of knowledge and will.
Responsibility of the people we must free ourselves of mental slavery and not kill.
The yellow signifies his light upon word as the red his passion. While the green that smokes away all

sword of pathetic fashion.

I have isolated many to start to feel plenty.

I yearn redemption on JAH love that made me feel many.

Man JAH JAH I'm down to my wits end.

Missing her so much looking back she was my bestest friend.

I ask for forgiveness of my sins and old ill ways.

But please look into this heart and feel JAH haze.

I'm locked down but understand it is not out of guilt.

I'm learning how to grow and let the flower not wilt.

Please guide and protect and lead me out of astray.

I'm ready for responsibility to be a man please empower me today.

JAH JAH I sit in this cell wanting to cry over this love.

But I'd rather feel yours and be directed from above.

I know I'm different and I feel your righteous reason.

But why am I here again I have not committed myself unto treason?

To make myself stronger you seem to say.

A love is still marry but its yourself your bound to repay.

Funny I know she's Rasta at heart and it begins to make me wonder.

Are the roots in JAH way allowing to distill all this ponder?

Wishing I could treat her like princess crowned queen.

I was to overcome my own evils that took away that mean.

A smile speaks a thousand words that seem to say.

But tonight it is a thousand feelings I've lost and hope to find again someday.

A heartful of joy is actually what I needed to find.

But something was infiltrating what was really at mind.

It was finding you JAH and what was in store.

But you know I recognize my partner in crime and what I feel to explore.

Rastafari is a cape to all evil we know to pick out.

JAH way puts peace unto hearts without doubt.

Indubian we justly are to perpetuate grace.

Corporation has struck spirit and infiltrated faith.

But through evolution should roots keep the trace.

Lines drawn that this way holds the world at safe pace.

A songful redemption that man respects land.

Give praise and love for what JAH gave unto hand.

For JAH psalm is a puzzle to begin to enlighten.

A way to work for I but sill be able to guide them.

For JAH is a loving God who plays them all.

But only in peaceful fashion to make every man and woman feel tall.

Rasta may it be. Rasta may it see. Rasta JAH conquer them all unto a sweeter friendly.


Sunday, September 14, 2014

Roots Rock Reggae / Stir Core Eager

Roots rock reggae if you mirror it you can find its meaning. Stir JAHs core of eager. My whole life I spent so far I lived life appreciating all types of music. I could go days on end sharing all the types of music I have enjoyed, but I will spare your time and mine as well. With that said I knew my love for music was apart of my spiritual journey. Music was my escape, meditation and my best friend. It came to the point where I was fully engulfed in the rave scene and all I listened to was dance and electronic music. But as a time came in my life to take a trip back to my roots, to find my faith that would align and to accept music as an accompany alongside I had revelation Reggae music was the key I was looking for. And ironically enough it popped up back in my life right when Rastafari was knocking on my door. Reggae music after all was the roots to the dance music. Reggae was the music that came from dance hall. It was the music of the most high. Praise unto JAH and love against the vibe of the up strum. Playing and giving the guitar's acoustics on a up strum tempo. Playing your music in the direction unto JAH, upwards. Reggae was Ray Gay. Happy light music. This was the music angels sang and rejoiced in. Good vibes and good times over JAH JAH rhymes. I n I almighty music played unto the most high. Its JAH truth no one can deny. I n I align the truth in between the I. The real arc of the covenant I (n) I. It's the way that will bring the promise back to the people. Wake up and live for Reggae plays truth and teaches people how to give. All you ravers respect and recognize where the dub and lasers came from. Give the rave unto the way.

That was the  real look the rave was meant for. Time to throw vanity out the door.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Art of Self Recognition was Always Built on I

Let's go ahead and break down the three ways that have stood the test of time that taught the truth to the self awakening of the Christ that lives within. Judai-sm. Ju-da-i. You the I. Christiani-ty. Christ-i-an-i. Christ that's in I an I. Ra-sta-far-I. Head star that's far in I. (They were always built on I being the nature of self recognition) Now we need to recognize the evolution of JAH faith and follow the rebirth. Flipping tables is my thing It is destiny. Let's look at the mirror of these titles to find subliminal meaning.

Judaism- ms ia duj or Messiage. The beginning age of a Messiah.

Christianity- yt in an it si rhc. Its in its search.

Rastafari- I raf at sar. I laugh at her. That is the whore of Babylon.

Her statue of pretential liberty or claim to a demand that has been sold off for power instead shall crumble and fall. She has instilled mass prostitution in America's society. She is the influence and testament to women's minds in society. Third time was always a charm boys and girls it isn't coincidence it aligns to the golden age.  And yes mirroring works on people's names so watch out what you have been spelt upon. I can read you and I'm teaching people to do so as well. Break your own curse if need be. That's why I'm sharing.


Fair Warning to all Illuminati

So it has come to my attention that I may have spoken too soon on some people's behalf. With a will for ultimate truth and constant battle for justice sometimes truth can prove later on to come apparent differently then first seen. And this is how I play myself safe. What I mean is I recognize that there are people presenting themselves on camera as truth seekers and wisdom holders that are associated amongst illuminati. Government always like to play the mole game. I will not begin exploitation until I believe it is necessary. But I do have the power and knowledge to do so. So this is a fair warning to all those men and women coming forth with wisdom that it is time to prove your will behind your work. Yes any awaken human being can share that this day in age is bound to truth. But it is how you present and share this truth that will reveal who you truly are. This wisdom is meant to be shared unto a way for peace and equality for all. Rastafari is JAH call. It is not meant to be revealed for anyone who wants to attain it and use it for personal power or gain. There is no excuse now that I have come forward with the tie that you should not be tying your work with the way. If you do not begin to do so I will personally begin to exploit you by name, steal your wisdom from you, provide evidence on how you attained it and leave you high and dry. Witchcraft, black magic I don't give a flying fuck. Time to choose sides and bring forth your true colors. JAH recognizes and appreciates new found loyalty at the time of most importance. He grants gratitude to those who do so. I n I we do not lie. The power of the light side offered great life beyond any other fathomable kind of life on the dark side. So yes take it as is. I'm back in black with a little hint of irony. Gangsta is how we Rastaman always did it. A warrior unto peace shooting back the man with irony. Humble may we be but gangsta you only tied to our tree. They carried there locks in there hair for a reason. A nice wave back to we never cared about yours. You think Id be back stuck up mister nice guy. Yeah sometimes but the only way I was going to get the kids to feel the vibe is to be one myself. So if you want to attest my stance come on and do so right ahead. I'll personally gas up the jeep. Make room in the trunk and take you out near to some cacti to serve you your own speech. Blazes be to your saddles. So let it be said and played but we already know the way that will prevail. I n I was built not to fail. Time to serve back your bail.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Treatment for Mental Illness and Addiction is Flawed in our Society

So it is a burden on my heart and need to share my opinion which I believe is truth that the way people look and treat people with mental illness and addiction is flawed in our society. My birth mother was a diagnosed Schizophrenic and heavy crystal meth abuser. Her diseases definitely had a genetic influence on how I would have to deal with my reality and life. First off people their is no such thing as mental illness. Mental illness is really the affect of experience, substance abuse, genetics, society and flawed treatment. Its disease if anything illness connotates a negative connotation. To identify a person's mind with a "diagnosis" which all have wide varieties is ignorant for not being physically and experiencing that way of how the person really thinks and endures the world. We need to love people for who they are and treat them with love. It is not irony that I have battled with stamina and focusing trouble my entire life. It was the affect of my birth mother's abuse on methamphetamines. My mind would ever crave substance that helped stimulate thinking. I went on Adderall for 6 months and finally felt like I could think the way I wanted to and probably what was normal to most people. But I realized I was just carrying over my birth mother's addiction into my life and decided to give it up. It is a struggle for me everyday to find the stimulation and stamina to take on life, but I fight the struggle so I can kill this disease and not pass it on to my children and have them burden it as well. We shouldn't treat people with this burden like they are burn-outs or fuck ups. We should treat them that carry a disease that needs help fixing. Point being it is not just irony that serves coincidence in my old favorite saying of drug use. "If your going to get high, my as well be up for the ride." I battled with cocaine addiction for 6 years and I finally came to the revelation it was killing me. It killed my wallet, it killed my love, it killed my friendships and it killed my personality. But I was never crazy. I was not a number, 5150. (51+50=101) Just one off from being 100 percent perfect. Well yeah it worked in my favor. I'm taking this way of thinking back to truth. If it wasn't for marijuana which was my saving grace and the way of life of Rastafari I would have never learned to instill self discipline and would have lost my life to addiction. Legalize it! It will bring peace to the minds that need it. For every person who has walked in these shoes it only makes you stronger. Overcome it with me. A natural high was always JAH cure.  


911 was it not the number we called unto emergency? It turned to be a date that would leave America wondering who served back this irony. The war of terror has been fought since the dawn of time. Capitalism is only aimed for fascist conformity. Division in ideal makes this world hurt sometimes, but allows recognition for the surreal. The beauty of nature is that good will always bring justice to the evil and for time peace will be restored with heaven on Earth. "Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Our almighty's prayer gives blessing unto this destiny. JAHs image of this world is not to be governed by others and enslaved unto societal norm. JAHs image for living was root living given unto to nature the true Garden of Even. Even Equality. Rastafari is the way of the Golden Age to instill peace and distill holy war. Bring the truth of all beliefs together and appreciate the stories for they all hold the truth of the stars. One God. One Creator. One Love. One way for all. Rastafari is our call! Unto Zion shall Babylon fall.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A Window full of Ecstasy

See I found love before I did with any woman.
A love instilled on top of ecstasy destined unto nature like a Shaman.
It all happened one night in the city by the bay.
About a decade earlier the Mac had brought the vibe blowing out the yay.
Flowers in her hair or did I picture so in a dream I had before.
A Playboy bunny pill down yep that night when we got hit on by the whore.
Valentine's night me and my boys had hit the streets of the city of lights.
Embarcadero, red light district and knob hill.
I had found Shulgin's window upon just one love pill.
The night was full of adventure of city sights of good and evil.
But it was a walk alone I took that night that took my heart far from civil.
With crooked streets full of mad love music and poetry.
I gave back my Mother Mary's love back unto her ecstasy.
I had walked the street to the top of the hill and faced onto the night sky.
The wind was blowing fierce and felt an urge to let go of every tie.
Leaning backwards unto the wind it kept me from falling.
Her love for the night time was given back the faith of a righteous calling.
The old game of hunny don't worry I'll catch you.
Man I remember that sense of freedom like yesterday was still new.
I had fallen in love with the window ecstasy gave unto the life.
A dance worth dancing her grace unto a sense of wife.
I felt like I flew from all the pain I ever dealt.
Was this the window unto heaven I had felt?
I surly carried a different kind of love for Molly took my first dance.
I had left conformity to society norm and ever struck unto her trance.
Only a righteous king could cry in mere ecstasy.
Written in my name but I still wanted the girl next to me.
One love was the way Rastafari was PLUR.
Sacrifice and dedication only deemed to make it sure.
Its what inspired this blog.
The philosophers's stone I found it cleared the fog.
A sign of justice I always threw up.
Thizz iz what it iz a dose of a heavenly cup. 


Egyptian Theology (Pt 1)

Essay written by Ryan Moquin.

      In Ancient Egypt the nature of the universe allowed for great understanding of its surrounding. The Ancient Egyptians instilled foundation and symmetry to all understanding of great philosophy, theology, astronomy and ultimately what would turn into religion.  This is part one of an essay to allow those interested to grasp an understanding of what were the fundamental philosophies in Ancient Egypt that allowed for many more to follow in an allegorical sense.

      The Egyptians firstly coined the term "nun" for the primordial, first created or developed of which life first came out of. Ironically enough this title resembles of what we would use as the word "none" in the English language for referring to the same conceptual essence. Secondly they referred to the primeval hillock which would be known as us today a small hill or mound as of something coming out of the waters. Peaks of mud would be their the first sight of new promised life.  The pyramids themselves were a representation of the idea of a rising hill being a promise to the deceased Egyptian that the will should emerge again into a new being. Hmm, this would be the first representation and justification to the philosophy pertaining to renewed life in a sense of reincarnation.  Egypt also emphasized the initial self emergence of a creator-god where as the creator god of Genesis existed alongside the beginning of chaos.

       The sun god was given the name Atum. Atum's name is thought to be derived from the word tem which means to complete or finish. His name also means everything and nothing. His essence was the all inclusiveness and emptiness at the beginning rather than the end. He is the inchoation of all. Like the that pregnant stillness which precedes a hurricane.  In the Old Kingdom the Egyptians believed that Atum lifted the dead king's soul from his pyramid to the starry heavens. He was also a solar deity, associated with the primary sun god Ra. Atum was linked specifically with the evening sun, while Ra or the closely linked god Khepri were connected with the sun at morning and midday. Mankind was recognized as being as created in his image. The same overstanding philosophy found in Christianity and many other spiritual systems. Funny his name also resembles the name of the ever so familiar first man character out of Genesis we all know as Adam. Hmm, anybody catching unto the irony yet.

        Next came the Memphite theology. Memphis was the ancient capital of Aneb-Hetch, the first nome of Lower Egypt. Out of here came the thought which came into the heart of a god and the commanding utterance which brought that unto into reality. Thought and speech are ancient attributes of power in Egypt personified as deities in our earliest literature. The sun god Hu was the "authoritative utterance" which is effective that it creates. Hu is the power of the spoken word.
That of which resembles the word "who" in English? Think of it. Ask out loud who? Hmm you have just created thought. Thought of the question of another being. Beautiful indeed. The god Sia was the perception or the cognitive reception of a situation, an object or an idea. Sia was the personification of Divine Knowledge and omniscience  Pronounce it out loud. See ya! Hmm we have told the partnering being you have seen the essence and of course it would be our god Sia whose name pronounced interpreted its own thought just like Hu. Hu and Sia were the partnering attributes that carried governing authority. Out of them it was understood the heart is the organ which conceives thought and the tongue is the organ which creates the conceived thought as a phenomenal activity.

      Ptah was known as the great one. He is the heart and tongue of the deities of the Egyptian gods. Great and mighty is Ptah who has transmitted all power and life to all the gods as well as their spirits through his own heart and tongue. Ptah as a similar utterance of the "ah-ha." He was the key to them all. He is throughout every heart and mouth of all gods, all men and lives. Wherever there is thought and command there Ptah still creates. His power is greater than of other gods for he rested after he made divine order. The divine order implies that the gods have a system into which all the created elements should fit as soon as created.  Ptah was the chief god of the ancient city of Memphis. He was a creator god who brought all things to being by thinking of them. Ptah was also the patron god of skilled craftsmen and architects. As a craftsman, Ptah was said to have carved the divine bodies of the royalty.

       So I will conclude here with part one to the ancient theology of Egypt and there is many more to come for this philosophy and theology of perspective thought is the Godfather to them all. I want to keep it simple and short so I can follow my own thought and other readers can as well. People this is great stuff it is the roots of the roots. It takes the same approach of breaking down perspective thought similar as of Eastern thought in Buddhism. Ironic I think not. And it still holds the root influence to the allegory found in western religious doctrine in the allegorical thought of sense. Think, speak and concur. The concept will retain itself for sure.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Ra the Sun God of Egypt (School of the Holy Science)

Ra (Re) was the primary name of the sun god of Ancient Egypt. He was often considered to be the King of the Gods and thus the patron of the pharaoh and one of the central gods of the Egyptian pantheon. He was also described as the creator o...f everything. Ra was so powerful and popular and his worship was so enduring that some modern commentators have argued that the Egyptian religion was in fact a form of veiled monotheism with Ra as the one god. This seems to be somewhat of an overstatement, but underlines his primary position within religious texts throughout Egyptian history.

It is sometimes proposed that the pyramids represent the rays of light extending from the sun and thus these great monuments connected the king with Ra. The Egyptians also built solar temples in honour of Ra. Unlike the standard type of Egyptian temple, these temples were open to the sunlight and did not feature a statue of the god because he was represented by the sunlight itself. Instead the temple centred on an obelisk and altar. The most significant early solar temple is thought to be the one erected in Heliopolis, sometimes known as "Benu-Phoenix". Its location was thought to be the spot where Ra first emerged at the beginning of creation, and the city took its name ("Iwn") from the word for a pillar.


The Ancient Theology (Santos Bonacci)


Saturday, September 6, 2014

Q & A on Rastafari Ponders (part 2)

What is the stance on tattoos when being a Rastafari?
Moderation is key apply it to all. If it gives you strength and you can live with it forever it wouldn't be detrimental to the Rastafari faith but do recognize the sacredity of the human body or better yet the human temple.
Where would the true Holy Land be considered?
Study Astrotheology and you can find the symbolism in justifying that the holy land is actually the human body. The real Holy Temple. For example, the River Jordan can be looked upon as the spinal cord and such.
Do Rastafari's fast?
You bet. I do it a lot. Fasting helps with meditation and spiritual connection. Also vegetarian diet is something a Rastafari should strive for.
Do you have to have dreads to be a Rastafari?
No. I don't have dreads either but I want to eventually because they bring strength and courage. Like people are saying it isn't a requirement there aren't any other than the heart of love for nature and root living. I also see dreads being a symbolic act one can take with their life long partner signifying their locked love for each other in the Rasta ideal of One Love. It would be neat to see this faith hold the locks sacred. Its a vow. It be a nice vow to see couples engage in ceremony. Kind of a symbolic act of giving your appearance up onto JAH for he gave us our appearance.
How do I pray unto the feminine divine influence?
Pray to our Virgin Mother Mary she is our Mother earth's nature influence.

(Video) Intro to Astrotheology & my trip to the Garden of Eden

Explaining the concept behind the study of Astrotheology and telling a story how mirroring language took me to the Tree of Knowledge.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Discover humblebility through an essence of being.
A Zen full of desire allows for healing.
A new sense in height a higher mind is delight.
Giving unto truth shall rid any soul from fright.
Recognition unto nature brings forth her spirit.
A love so flirtatious, her sweetness guides I to hear it.
A blossom of life is symbolic onto her flower.
Her water flows unto space a kindle of her shower.
See I Mother that encounters her children amongst livity.
A burden so gorgeous it unveils the ease of the trinity.
Mind, body, soul brought unto one together.
A respectful retrospect mirrored for any sister or brother.
This I hear, shalom to you mother dear.
A burden so hind no reason for I to fear.
Sharing her respect distilled upon a sense of humblebility.
A lesson for the ego that this is how I rectify trinity.
Pure mind, pure spirit, pure heart shall we part.
Eastern thought surely brought forward a beautiful art.
See love is his way and beauty did he surly find.
Mother Earth gave pure reason unto our creator's mind.
Must have been instilled on JAH's sense of greater picture.
Oh me, oh my looks like I don't even need to fix her.
Please humble my will upon their love at first sight.
Must have brought his light while she introduced the fun of the night.
Ride with me dear for the amount full of season.
We've found the power of love now let our children live out our reason.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

(Video) Finding Divine Influence through Zen & Latest Blog Updates

Talking about practicing meditation through Zen and finding divine influence. Touching on the feminine and masculine divine spirit JAH and Mother Earth, discussing illuminati, the state of holy war and American politics. And lastly my opinion on raving and what it has accumulated to.