These say I mites in righteous trinity dignity fight and peace :) 10

Me Pizzo

Me Pizzo
Me Thizzin her vibes love and eveverthin thizzin thing ;)

My Licka Cuz Its You

My Licka Cuz Its You
My Licka Cuz Its You

Timez of helping

Timez of helping

We Rocketh the Natural Way

We Rocketh the Natural Way
We Rocketh the Natural Way



Breakfast or Takings

Breakfast or Takings

Hey Now

Hey Now

The Ribbon

The Ribbon



Rastafari Coexist

Rastafari Coexist

Welcome New Followers

Welcome to the Philosopher's stone. My blog has been running for the last year and a half. I have been a practicing Rastaman since I began this write. I have a love for music, writing, culture and God. The truth to this blog is to find the power of the people. Power is found through unity and ideal. Ultimately a unified ideal can begin a unified identity. Rastafari is a lot more then believing in the herb. It is a faith and a way of living. I have dedicated a lot of this blog to poetry and music. Wisdom is my true passion because it is a field of study that is never ending. I have touched on subjects that matter on ancient hermetic Egyptian wisdom which is the foundation of all world faith and Religion. The truth is that we live in a day in age of what which will begin to be a spiritual awakening. That we are spiritual beings that live a spiritual life. The power of the spirit can power a mind to find what one is called to in life. Spirituality is the power of all humanity. Rastafari is the teaching of all acceptance. That is the belief of a Rastaman. I am in transition with this blog and well my passion is to teach one day. I have yet to bring news source to my blog but decided to start to bring 3rd party source on this site to help gather more culture that involves what a Rasta really stands for. We are the the way of root living and the faith that teaches the system is corrupt. Enjoy reading some material that involves Rasta worldwide. One Love.

Conquering Lion of Judah

Conquering Lion of Judah

A Gem found In Alcmey

A Gem found In Alcmey

To Study Onward

To Study Onward

The Foundation of a Rastafarian Ideal

The Foundation of a Rastafarian Ideal



It's Been Said Before

It's Been Said Before

About the Edit Unto Your's

As they say in the Big Easy hey y'all . Little did I know that local lingo for New Orleans would become my renewed faith in understanding a new way of life. Big Easy as a sort of a Hakuna Matata lighter sense and page. My names Ryan and people call me Moke for a nick. Heavy in my dance & river days I went by Movement. I like them all. Never needed a Mohawk to rectify my will. Well anyways I just moved back to sunny San Diego after spending the last close to 3 years in Louisiana. Born and raised in San Diego private school the whole 9 yards and a Kaeding of a miss to a field goal. Did some time up in Chico, CA. Fun times, but was still searching on what I wanted to do in life. Dipped down south to get Bourbon dirty while looking to find my calling.. Right? If your going to do it you might as well do it right. Met some fun people, made some memories and actually grew up. Left a lovely girl behind, but hopefully one day we'll be back in mind. Moral of the story I finally found out something I was looking for. What was really going on and is it really 2014 already? I picked up my love for writing and let my thoughts take the wheel. As I was riding upon my journal I knew my higher self was leading me somewhere. Go figure out the roots to my roots. I had a revelation that their was one genre of music I had ventured in but not far enough. Reggae was making its way back to me and I began to remember my love of its simplicity but profound truth. Sure enough my writing was taking me there as well. Tired of the battle amongst Christianity and other world religions I turned to studying nature. Began self teaching Astrotheology and other hermetic wisdom. Then it dawned on me there was a lost world doctrine and way of life that emphasized that nature is the way. Rastafarian. Remembering its misconception of a youth's rebellion I always knew it held more than truth, pure truth. So here I am still dipping my toes in understanding the Rastaman's way knowing my hometown is the place to start. Identity had been important for many but many like myself gave up on what was being taught. The purpose that is driven through my blog is to find a commune in my generation's ideology and bring people back together through the power of spirituality and love for acceptance for one another. A recognition of the empowering One Love. One thing our world has lost touch of is the rooted key of the Rastaman way. That is living life through suppression and instilling self discipline. Wasn't this the path that all eastern and western religions insinuated as being the tool for enlightenment? Yes, but it got misconstrued through its complexity. Heigh-ho back to the roots we should go. So I invite you to follow my blog to begin to learn a lost way of life or to invite you to teach me a thing or two. It is time our generation spoke together through the power of unified identity. Time for a real campaign of change from the people as it should be and come. Time our entire nation legalized the plant that symbolized freedom. Sending Rastaman vibrations outwards for a revival of a Kingdom. Please feel free to add me on facebook Ryan Moquin

~Peace, Love, Unity and Respect we already knew what was coming next~


Hey everybody. Sorry for lack of content the last past month I was actually locked up in jail. No need to worry I'm back here to stay and all is well. Anyways I had much time to write and foresee where I wanted to take this blog and in what direction. A lot of posts before were not thought out completely and expression of my emotion. So I took down some. But I have passed that haze and my writing will begin to show. I want this blog to be based on a 5 point structure.

1) To promote Rastafari Doctrine & Way of Life
2) To be a multimedia outlet for all arts combined
3) To promote discussion & eventually through forum
4) To bring together people spiritually
5) And most importantly promote world peace

Thank you for reading and hope you enjoy. In the near future I'm going to begin making videos so the poetry can be better understood. There is a lot of ancient philosophy and wisdom behind the influence of them.
Ok that is all for now. One Love.

Comments (8/30)

Welcome to leave comments on any post. I just changed the setting to where anyone can comment without having to use an account. Exercise your first amendment right and input your two cents. Comments can be posted anonymously. All I ask is for no trolls. Just positivity and livity.

Chant Down Babylon

Chant Down Babylon


Monday, December 23, 2019

In this Pazzo of Irie Bato

Yee say rootz say I bless know that I call no say can yee say it I ha say the rastaman roots say the rasta love. Keep your fallz never shall you splendor hippye allow the fight to know the sickness of the false worship. Plague your body. Fuck die life ha namayanae. In this Mdma I bless the chronic od third gracious to allow gbd great bud formula of the totem pizzo so did I play me slef to bridge onto frolic ecstasy philosophy. Fight for the bong against the city image. Long live lil' rock and lil san francisco. Fuck the the Berkeley bitch in yah. fuckin fags haha thizz iz what iz keek duh californication jah love and burn in good sense much love this thizzle christmas is the best in me . we are always the difference much deep life enjoy the ratatales in i thizz on thiz iz what it iz. xmas always when you can thizz iz what iz

Reign RASTA THIZZ me Magestic I put 3 oh holy biethcin Mary id Fuck thizz iz what it iz Prince thee baye oh me lil lost frisco I sin 2 more yee thizz iz thizz just thizz thiz iz what iz fuck the love

Ryan Kylor vucci galomore of voca killing andre mac the cusine of lunch of less but unite the ites of better boyhood. Fun the 28 and spend the faxxie par fuck in the taothizzniggerbitcehsuckafaggptonfebjasion13 

wigger crime fuck the nowe show your dick fag mish anusvagninerz sip a fuck bitch laughter  Fuck my plastic. im an ol never before liver of how to and i am not for i am the onlyghieprese of highest trueth i dont live i dont live but i go back i go for the lerrrrrrrrrr of i go over to see what a new  yay i got one brusher to live. ive given you the joke fuck eat the asshole before u shit super fuck me drug whale mercy fuck cherry me gannge be pound thizz eat the filth dyke spray your faggot bloody yellow eypissssssss. haha faggot nigger lover but ye come in go pof grate grayer to faggot let o:) die fag pussy. fuck but leart stand in line is MAFIA to shoot bY your plaesore 2022 fuck. Now pipe is everday. now food is hakaroo eat and blue. fuck it id laugh faggot for hmm. Bitch niggers Im the only mind of fuck. yeah. fuck my smoke. return the walk of alll 51 drug. home hand rev. stab farewell. Im GOD. Hit your rokstine and fuck one second eat the winnie and die fuck fag for ill stabb 24500gabuikkion in b=pussy faggot natre thizz... die 2.3? ipa smd stool gay hahah beyond shoulder and fuck your wish. JAH thizz

shit kill black or kill all being body infront of me or kill luvblack goodbye fuck eat it bend rev smoke and whats up fags fuck so early. money and fuck beat fag fuck fag u niggas and see

Feelin Some Pockets

Thursday, November 7, 2019

No Political Retrieve the Verb THIZZ IZ WHAT IZ

KILL The fake retrieve and kill the allyby. and enjoy the Bob. Thizz iz what iz me plant cuddie is my time. Beautiful Mysterious it the the spymark. fuck the north and kutt posse nut jobs robbie job dumbie soft lookz nigger creeperz thizz iz what iz long live mac dre. ROMP the truth. SHiett

ryan charlez ra kylor yee atum thizz heina baybe Aman God Jah Christian thizz in peace let it be the vallejo treal ha bietch brotha thizz iz what iz yay younga 80 fresh thizz thizz iz what iz 

Yeee in my tongue i think

thizz iz what iz for punk rockers and suckers that thizz iz what iz lol ' irie will carry oh you bet::) Yeah now you know and movies are down the road. shot off my look and treat the apparel. Long live soma and the brother the brother brother fuck ya it all brother sin and sin hahaha all brother sin thiz iz what it iz haha old friends. Welcom to Vaness fuck mark ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh down dick suckers dumpweeed faggotsz haha no but in whats up kill the aunt be back.

Yee Feather

OH YOU KNOW THERE IS NO WAY BUT REMEMBRANCE IS THIZZ AND YOU KNOW NOW AND YOU MAY NEVER AND YOU KNOW.  As you know there is a seaming but if it aint yahzi Im a Rasta not a nazi and yay perspective im long time opn Gods side and yes is you know deepest. JAH  love.

If I could run I be devil

Lost thoughts are better I her ways if you know its funny but that what makes relationships special. If you knew its like love is really the thizzin saving grace for I could have take Cali like ha naw but thizz iz what iz saving folk and the rizzism old and better fucks. Good ol' rock town meetin' with new Insomniac. Haha i will save a 5k is best much love and saving greenz im good to be strong. yes and be blessed thi In lights of warrior ship. Long live Rambo and stack them ha. :/ Starlite wishes milky way onceT eyee... ha gratzi thizz ;) I love garages and nights of tearz and love tellin oh yeah losin life. I'm in the the street life but its my gift to tell you to keep me a secret. Put on the old ones and distract with your best so and such shot. Were rollin like jedi meets ninja and Reed meets her glory sweet little lost yoda and she the ganga lay. Welcome the princess of delightful hands. Saving words and sheeing fights ah oh thizz yo thizz iz what iz. Im a free Rasta loving me story but the the message is rough. Touch me stairz you feel the righteous friends wish. Bless the cider chicken and panda express. As Im Imish to the chirch for Rasta prophecies of corner raiderz helpich Columbus box and grass alon me mahola say you kawaiiian say norther island be seeme light sharp. Ran and felt new. Grande and Perfecto,,,,.


I'm like tired but I'm in new plans. Trying to study. Cigzs got me sick. Thinking of GRANDMA AND SENDING OLD HIGHEST KNWOZ. Love is plain but english is mere. Going to berkley grad school is my mafia ha. Been thinking of ol' ways and know culture is deadish of riddish. but travels will come yee thizzle baybe. she knowz. Northern is natural. Yellowish girl ;). thizz iz what iz but we safe thizz on lova best irish.

Bleed and Walter

Me Thizzin her vibes love and eveverthin thizzin thing ;)

Ibiza Ecstasay Crave me Irie see may virgin wishes say thee God I love me Rasta be vibes oh so sweet Trance

Roll me wishes of fern over Punk and see the the rootz + oh me Galaxy I walk but I find no time then where do I lie to wish again. Play the the storms of ol' writing. No spells shall hit eager. Write time and give to a few. many more as we walk and hush the wind. trust in holding but eyes. Clee the wire of heckolry and know its beyhond brick and less stormish winds cry and know. Rastafariansm is the teaching to kill mafia.

Cocana mi mama white lady drama

Me cornerz work white diego whit minna to crest of Gambino word. I'm on native water bay blessing. Rap the weapons kill the cameras. Local 2. Buku is my crazy lingo. Hold our online and drug university and prove. Where me righteous or never return with love. + HOLY BE the way. Deal kush to 18 on native smoke spot. oakland pirates but park helps. heroine for 25 on berk helps better fights on random mexican talk. Rob the vibe spot and work the x and the history x. Decent counters enjoy your own spirituality. New operators Im with new coast. Green is my lingo and plug. Kills the NJ and whatever jack. Eat it homoz spray. Me Ites on Indian days gather is me roots alborosie is me worx. wlk nsr. kill and ransome through maren. She me hotkline and drain crazy spot on the collar. Talk next season and flee. Fashion and chips.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Coastal Ressurgence

On geographic smuggle I prefer European espanoal.. ditto. Money is cocaine at 35 run again. Looking to stray to acknowledge partions. Hopefully we can reconcile like old 55 or hint. I'm Irish and well I'm not a firm talker. I'm actually in for whats around but headline is not their cosby. Much probably comes back to old gratzi. I'm in on the race joke for the early holiday. Looking for band support. Work for new attentive. Buku. Someone can talk.


Often Regular Gratzi so meantime familiar...go fish.. Backseat.
Lost and so. Mission is ICP sealed. Meth, midkept. light talk on cabana riderz. Money on 5.50. is trade for hit. Progressive is my bar. Into new indie on seldom hitz. Interested in learning where Industry was left by forwarding. I go by Ryan by profession. I'm off but keeperz on before kick kurk way. Looking to recall old pub and find more. Gusto winds northern San Francisco on the mob inside. Hit the golf.  Catch you on the tickets.

Evening Longing Carpet Entailiarafie

Just putting a more intuitive notion towards my thoughts and writing. Thinking I will be writing until early colder days and working to see new road lights. I walked a lot to find myself to know that Indian is more evolutionary and the great wisdom of Rasta is young star to the native pscia understanding of southerner getter. The humble muddafucka. Bread of TJ and Illadieagoish but shit where it come from. I'm trying to know that roads do meet and friends to come to the understanding like generations and stories that are so and so afar know life is more then meeting. I've gotten to understand that Berkeley still holds gold mining roots and far such Hawaiian breeze do the Irie writing pour one day Ill cry of hope. Very blessed Cali irie vocublary. Ha neatz. But the roadz meet new ways. Harvesting is more keepz. Searching and there be thingz to say. Ways of faith wave and learning roots the hope of teaching trustworthy church loving virtue is messianic to nay of sunish glory rastafari says skism but jah in the name of glory I thizz unto power. To know light workers is my mafia move. Works go to killin on the bluff. I want to ask for support for knowing cancer is not part of this theological ordinance. Killing bad mornings is half the battle. Knowing we grew up in held teachings time grows to know a new story and remember things come long before. Being someone the believes in Jesus would tell you why we love the story. But really its about taking other things and wondering if ganja and writing don't meet. But thats the new. As sharing in person would deliver trueth. If you read my blog thizz* I want you to know that I have reasons to improve Castro teachings and Piano luxuries of longer pacific trueths. and thats the fafel. Home alone tip is to protect my home network website. Data send through charity base. Kill waters send monthly through store list. Nazi Regain. (Mokefella thizzle)

Sunday, October 27, 2019

OceanLab - Sirens Of The Sea (Above & Beyond Club Mix)

End of the week its the end of October and I'm looking to reattain new readers for the the west coast reattain and pre renaissance for love of quoted civil iron age of philosophical underneath and privileged divined and reverenced enlightenment Aldous Huxley as life has shown. It was pre seeken golden for attributions saw star theology but in latter terminations we kick chief allah the livity and God the most ha fuck the the parliament but ay ites say sailin in her dream ;). Ravers wink and Irish remember.  I'm mafia impostered by latter greek history of sailor raiders of Spanish menace and Cuban evil rashings. I'm part of San Franciscos back latter improving hustling and meth trealing on thizzesxtc romper room engraved on a crest side neo theoretical pre german but want to round. I'm a Oakland fene and put a x it wont ever and is original. 815 tells u how ppl lose land its a beautiful tied world but people get her nays taking but I rave to know the beauty. But Sundays brought gifts and Mary is a hint. Old special gifts :) No call and i keep the Jacka. White Irish slim thug native careatel espanol fuck nigger fuckin. me a dealer not a seller fuck get wit it or pig your bitch nowhere. Peace is thizzle peace or fuck of the drama. Mokeafella to gambeani shrimp a a dinner fuck yo. So is better passionz this Atum i bring you the loveish of good thizz trance and green tidings of ecstasy pure. ha most. In Atum the sun is the prolonging and that is bay thizz. for jah in the highest hight I thizz yee sun gives back before and when you no it should never thought or painstake. I ites. many times before kill a krip. Indian boy rasta cometh crim to the sell and told. in you street me irie you say no como i say you bromo and lickin like you cant i want columbian and paid market and whats goin. No dre dreezy fuckin or full house bull Im simply after the chicago horror. rainy and old earlies but im christ within and love is mucho. My pay is Sancho and around in ol town connections. Magazine is how I'm going to keep formal. I hope everyone is ready to see their loved ones and family they might have not been able to find. For my say in the northern lights my discretion is alley and behind. My name is Accapaloco. Round Jackson crew and buy me back to cartel and soap. and run on hip. Timings of new and begginnings of ground go in for 5 months for a before solstice is my run of subliminal and mothern nature of rootz subliminal star energetics. Throw fuse and street vibe from Carmel to Frisco.  Will keep in photography. Anyways Im on a Bookie call and will be going back to learning how to be party of metal hip hop and garage. You can catch me a starbucks by the campus and at market street across from target. My work and Godfather walks. Peace to voyage connections and and peace to campers. thizz. Help me build a PO box for this upcoming Thanksgiving. Trying to get back in touch with a friend. Tale my spy work. Thanks and voca. me the the Venice. - Marry and warm hopes to your choice easy vibez Rasta precious in roots say I crystalfari for me roots be drugs and I learneth and come yee verbatimz oh and still in lands such a pizzo chalice a pimp I am. Rasta be lost but in the roots I return when when sam say ok again. crystalfari better looks and hopes of home. good faith and funny how the irie will never die. Many dreamz. methaphenmine for the writer always smokes again. Funny friends. Rave and Trance. For hands :) Earlier nights. Give Thanks.

Friday, October 25, 2019


Keepastay Lift

You know we say might mites will come the bird don't cry when city may never yell, but the lonesome never tell oh say yee know ha will such and such I am the ra the ha the blow the ecstasy and the reverence and you know some cant imagine the mind is the power. Thinking about it I'm looking for drummer connections and insights. I'm low in the the mainstream but rock reverence is a steady. Tattoo connection can help sandy sandy can be the old LA cat and have a holla. Lets Thursday bring back Frisco with fuck the collar and jeckle the thizz against. Candy Candy. And Oakland heat. Asking for attorney and the name goes back to Matt. Go ahead and put a nj spy run back to Berkeley and cover my name back the the B allyby. Linda is the dolla cover on the ransome and sum. :) Need to meet around coffee or library for further bookie or glasses lol. Careabelle is my shot collar story for a frisco hitt or jerk. Hang, tribune and door the shops happi is rvelation.  eternal walk and revealed my lost without question and i enlightenment. No movement. My home and and my time. Marijuana and benzos. 35 coco no lickin or you the skeleton and runnin. Ryan Kylor JAH God thizzle amore Rastafarian me best wishes kat walkin roots me pizzo nah xtc poppin an life a killin steady whore drippiN. Fuck black for thoughts matter . :) chevy

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Bietch Nation thizzin in seconds stunna meh rasta thizz fuck duh ha cassie and dark bleh thizz in bless good 4 ever! ((0 like over 10..

Thizzle fuckin nigger good bitches be snitches crim della crim e pill poppin sinnin in fantasy fuck niggerin for a cigarette fuckin it like thizz nigger thizz be thizz thizz on cali nigger thizz fuck it im in this deep shit like back n when room room never was cuddie thizz lol im in mac land bitch lovin land and shit bitch me land but nigger old school lyin death land and i havnt a bitch clue but im gettin in sick in columbia sold and nuthinn but old rover im a class no give a fuck deep God and jah be blesss nigger im gonna say i never do but ill thizz like the shit youll never get. Frisco is a old play and west coast is everything if you want it and thats trizzle on the blood a tell ppl that druggin can portray a marry poppins finest or robin class but fuckin knowin u send cats to fag when im homeless just know im a true drug addict no flashy killler pill cliff liar to bridge angel and i  dont fess black lies.... life is beautiful until u selll its wish.... dont come back it wont be the same.

Running Livity

Finding that 4 is connectiono people know that viva was living. Many wishes and finding more time. Looking for the hand. Need things for lodge. And looking for good remembrance gifys of joy and x. For friends use my pscia slang Sancho and make sure u know its for secrets.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Insane on strange Fern Accapoloco Mafia Seaports

Voca cuente me say amigo Amore

Bayside chilling supreme and seasonal jacka Fab mistah bay sensational young Dre mac moke Killa am sceno euretha Killa Oakland pim Dolla Crim

Arabia trealin Asta thizz Latin rollio

Yo so in da keek fuck da money get and leave a bietch alone zip is Crystal and caked fuck out my area areaz Raider FFillmore Shoot bookiez suckaz branch clubiez and free the fene cigz too holla on m may things thizz niggaz

K5 wittin roperz famouratia kylor jah god

Yo see me eternity trip is bare me gang bang and money needs vope I say u no ball and Kris holla them santa Cruz I'm locks sensational mistah baydaytestrian call Castro n kill the 50 and finish Riding velvet bandits and death club jah #starlite peacin this ad#

Thursday, August 22, 2019

finding betta

Treat a crip my names moke but i go by sum im god and wee be the way it mad lesibian and its mo for the fun theses days grab and makeout i think its for freaky in a bush ;) fuck the day

valley O-town

NO CALI Insignia nigga switch up bang out new valley....pimpin on easy wind and breeze

Cancoon Cup Swedish Imaginations

Living in berkley and hollin babe a away let me know if you the dread you move and streets iz love need meth and herb thanks cartel back to moke sesimillia lookin for rasta girls that wer on fb ;) love jah blessings cuddie way

Thursday, June 13, 2019


Tale is the the hah and time is the after rock is the escape and being back is how so is the mayday hail the chief and rock the riff fuck the voice insane the gift goodbye. #getoff my ass

Exploration Can Fuck Blocks

Trying to find peace is a fucksake knowing is rocking more upon the road is gutz mafia is the cause of matter and hills dawn metal but here is one Valley of Eternity_ Marty Friedman just be the cause and you can find that music is more thn you enterting and actually seeing that its lies truth writing cant be the power. Its in the temotaions of more Hail metal fuck the devil slide your lust